Bears in bed

Bears in bed

2016-08-04    02'19''

主播: WETALK亲子英语

206 10

Ziggy and Annie Bear were sitting in bed waiting for the New Year. Ziggy climbed under his bed to find his catcher's mitt. "What are you doing with that?" said Annie Bear. "I need to catch the bugs that come out at midnight!" said Ziggy Bear. "Daddy says there's a big bug that everybody's looking for, and comes out at midnight" whispered Ziggy. "Can I help too?" asked Annie. "Let's get under the covers and wait for the big bug! said Ziggy. So Ziggy and Annie Bear got under the covers and waited...and waited... ...and waited And when midnight came, the bears were fast asleep. And the bugs passed them right on by. The end. Sleep tight everyone!
上一期: up in the sky
下一期: draw me shapes