Hi, good evening everyone! Welcome to Tiantian’s bedtime stories. I am teacher Andy. Tonight, we’ll read a story entitled " Lara The Yellow Ladybird" by Martha Evans . Shared by bookdash.org Are you ready? Let’s read. Lara the ladybird was a special bug. Unlike all her friends, she had bright yellow wings. Everyone loved her yellow wings. Each morning, Bibi Butterfly said hello. And Manto Mantis always waved. Even Sesa, the sulky spider, was happy to see her. But Lara wanted to be like the other ladybirds. "I wish I had red wings like you, Mama", she cried. So one day, to cheer her up, Lara's mother painted her wings bright red. The next morning, nobody greeted Lara on her way to school. And when she got there, none of her friends said hello. Lara sat all alone. No one noticed her new red wings. Until Miss Miya spotted her and said: "You've painted your lovely yellow wings!" Lara's classmates were shocked. "Your wings are special!" "So unique!" "So rare!" "Lara," Miss Miya said, "your yellow wings are what makes you you. Like Sipho's spot...and Sally's legs." Back home, Lara took a long bath and scrubbed until her golden wings gleamed. I'll never paint my wings again!' she thought. Except, maybe once or twice... To try a bit of purple... or something nice. But not for ever and just for fun. The End. Sleep tight everyone!
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