Lost And Found

Lost And Found

2016-11-25    02'39''

主播: WETALK亲子英语

235 2

Hi! Good evening everyone! Welcome to Tiantian's bedtime stories. I'm Teacher Andy. Tonight, we'll read a story entitled " Lost And Found" by Sukhada Rahalkar. Shared by storyweaver.org Are you ready? Let's read. Not here. Not there. Where have you gone? Not on the sofa. Not under the cot. Not in the box. Not under my sister's frock. Sob, sob, where have you gone? Soon granny came back from her walk. "Look what I found in the park!" "It can sway, it can bounce. It can spin, it can dangle. Ha-ha, hee-hee." said Granny with a giggle. Oh Granny! Thank you so much! You have found my dear yo-yo! "Yo-yo? What a funny name! What a funny toy! I want to play with it, it gives me so much joy!" Giggle, giggle, giggling a way. Granny played with my little toy. For the rest of the day! The end. Sleep tight everyone!