Hi, good evening everyone! Welcome to Tiantian’s bedtime stories. I am teacher Andy. Tonight, we’ll read a story entitled " Naughty Dog" by Kanchan Bannerjee. Shared by storyweaver.org Are you ready? Let’s read. We are a family of four. I follow Chinku everywhere. I have to look after Chinku. You see, I am older than him. Sometimes Chinku is careless. It is my duty to guard the house. We do everything together. We work together. We play together. We even share Ma's scolding. When Chinku is a t school I help Ma. I keep the crows away from the papads. Today, Chinku will be my teacher. At last, I will learn something new. I am a good doggy. I do not scare away cats. Are you Chinku's friend? Then you are my friend too. The End. Sleep tight everyone!