12.7 WEC Listen & Learn - Feelings 2

12.7 WEC Listen & Learn - Feelings 2

2016-12-06    01'51''

主播: WETALK亲子英语

46 1

WEC Listen & Learn – FEELINGS Hi kids! This is Teacher Ray. Our topic for today is entitled FEELINGS. We will talk about different feelings today. Are you ready? Let’s start! Our first word for tonight is SAD. Let’s say SAD. When do you feel sad? I feel sad when my parents scold me. The next one is HAPPY. Let’s say HAPPY. When do you feel happy? I feel happy when I play with my friends. Our third word is SHY. Let's say SHY. When do you feel shy? I feel shy when I am in front of many people. And our last word for tonight is SCARED. Let's say SCARED. When do you feel scared? I feel scared when I am alone. Kids, what are the different feelings that you learned today? Great job! I hope you learned a lot today. Till next time! Goodbye!