Abigail's Dreams

Abigail's Dreams

2017-01-19    02'03''

主播: WETALK亲子英语

277 0

Hi, good evening everyone! Welcome to Tiantian’s Bedtime Stories. I am Teacher Andy. Tonight, we’ll read a story entitled "Abigail's Dreams" written by Maggie G. Shared by storybird.com Are you ready? Let’s read. Abigail dreams of shining stars...way up in the sky so high and far. Abigail dreams of lollipop flowers...that grow in a garden with magical powers. Abigail dreams of rainbows and smiles, and happiness that goes on for miles and miles... Abigail dreams of puppies and cuddles, and running around and jumping in puddles. Abigail dreams her dreams when awake and asleep, and I hope that her dreams she will always keep... The End. Sleep tight everyone!
上一期: Londi
下一期: Toby The Mischievous Cat