abroad, acquiesce, commute

abroad, acquiesce, commute

2017-03-30    03'02''

主播: 普特英语

33 1

1.abroad [音标:ə'brɔ:d ] ad. 到国外,在海外;到处abroad : 来自古英语on brede,词源同broad,宽的,喻指出门,离家,出国区别:aboard adv. 在飞机上;[船] 在船上;在火车上prep. 在…上 [例句:]After living abroad for a time,Robert became homesick for his native land. 在国外住一段时间后,罗伯特开始想念故土 2.acquiesce [音标:ækwi'es ] vi. 默许,勉强同意acquire(vt 获得;学到),quiet安静=安静的获得=默许,勉强同意 [例句:]Though I wasn’t enthusiastic about Tom’s plan to go fishing,I acquiesced in it because there seemed nothing else to do. 虽然我不怎么热衷汤姆的钓鱼计划,但是我同意了,因为似乎没什么别的事做 3.commute [音标:kə'mju:t ] v. 交换,改换支付方法,减轻Com(前缀表强调)+ mut(改变,交换 =change)+ e = 大家一起变动 = 交换。 [例句:]Hundreds of thousands of suburban residents regularly commute to the city. 数十万郊区居民定期往返于城市与郊区间​