E1105 实用口语:living under a rock

E1105 实用口语:living under a rock

2016-11-03    03'25''

主播: 坚果英语

96 10

A:So, What did you do last night? B:Um...I watched the Royals game. They won! A:They did? Wait, they won the whole World Series? B:You really don’t know? Having you been living under a rock? Yeah, they won the World Series! 笔记: royal /’rɔiəl/ adj. 皇室的,王室的;n. 王室成员 the World Series 世界联赛 living under a rock 对最近的新闻、八卦完全不了解 练习:你不知道他离婚了吗?你是与世隔绝了? You didn’t know that he’s divorced? Having you been living under a rock?