

2017-09-29    01'53''

主播: 经典英语朗读

2978 141

When I wake up each morning and see you next to me 每天清晨当我醒来 看到你在我身旁 I know that my day will be all right 我知道我这一天将会一切都好 sometimes it is hard to put feelings into words 有时很难用话语来表达感受 but I want you to know how you affect me 但是我想让你知道你是怎样影响着我 When I wake up and see you in the morning 当我清晨醒来看到你 I am so happy that we are together 我是那么开心我们在一起 I respect you I admire you I love you deeply 我尊重你 敬佩你 又深深地爱着你 When I wake up each morning and see you next to me 每天清晨当我醒来看到你在我身旁 no matter what happens 不管会发生什么 I know that my day will be all right 我知道我的一天将会一切都好