English Corner---Be yourself

English Corner---Be yourself

2023-04-23    09'59''

主播: CTBU校园之声

592 6

Living in your own love, shining, not in the eyes of others. Being yourself is the loneliest and bravest thing in the world, but it is also the best thing. Your own personality charm will give you a golden circle of light. 要活在自己的热爱里,闪闪发亮,而不是别人的眼光里。做自己是这个世界上最孤独又勇敢的事,但也是最美好的事,你自己的人格魅力,会给你镀一层金色的光圈。 If you have anything wanna share with us or talk with us,you shall leave your message without hesitation.Have a nice dream! 如果你有任何想要分享之事或想要与我们深入交流,你都可以在评论区毫不犹豫留下你宝贵的建议,哪怕是只言片语。祝好! Staff Hostess:何阳 Editor:何阳 Executive producer:薛名扬