I Don't Want To Say Goodbye(我不想说再见)

I Don't Want To Say Goodbye(我不想说再见)

2016-01-12    03'12''

主播: 夜半屋顶听歌的猫

582 31

原来这首歌出自李安导演的《Brokeback Mountain》,好听。当初看的时候没在意是这首歌,听得多了,就凭那一句歌词找了一下,不错。词很动人。 I don&`&t want to say goodbye Let the stars shine through I don&`&t want to say goodbye All I want to do is live with you Just like the light of the morning After the darkness has gone The shadow of my love is falling On a place where the sun always shines Don&`&t you know that&`&s where our hearts both belong &`&Cause I don&`&t want to say goodbye Let the stars shine through No&`& I don&`&t want to say goodbye All I want to do is live with you Together our two hearts are strong Don&`&t you know that&`&s where our hearts both belong &`&Cause I don&`&t want to say goodbye Let the stars shine through I don&`&t want to say goodbye All I want to do is live with you All I want to do is live with you
上一期: 七月上
下一期: You Belong To Me(你属于我)