Where Is The Love(爱在何方)

Where Is The Love(爱在何方)

2016-10-07    05'18''

主播: 夜半屋顶听歌的猫

682 18

People killin' People dyin' 人们在杀戮中死亡 Children hurt and you hear them crying 你可听见孩子受伤地哭泣 Can you practice what you preach 你是言而必行 Or would you turn the other cheek 还是逆来顺受 Father father father, help us 主啊,请帮助我们 Send some guidance from above 指引我们前进 Cause right now people have me questionin' 因为世人开始疑惑 Where is the love? 爱在何处 The love LOVE The love LOVE Where is the love, the love, my love? 何处是爱,是爱,爱 Where is the love? 爱在何处 Where is the love? 爱在何处 Where is the love, the love, my love? 何处是爱,是爱,爱 What's wrong with the world, mama? 我们的世界怎么了妈妈 People livin' like they ain't got no mamas 人们生活得像没有妈妈 I think the whole world's addicted to the drama 整个世界像是沉溺于戏剧 Only attracted to the things that'll bring the trauma 人们醉心于伤害 Overseas ya we tryin' to stop terrorism 我们纵横四海宣称不让恐怖主义抬头 But we still got terrorists here livin' 但还是让恐怖主义在脚下滋生 In the U.S.A, the big C.I.A 就算有着提供安全情报的美国 The bloods and the crips, and the KKK 帮派斗争和三K种族主义还是发生 But if you only got love for your own ways 如果你们只爱自己 Then you only leave space to discriminate 那么世界将充满歧视 To discriminate only generates hate 歧视只会繁衍仇恨 And when you hate, then you're bound to get irate 当你仇恨进而怒气冲冲 Madness is what you demonstrate 人生就会失去理智 And that's exactly how anger works and operates 这就是愤怒如何操控人心 Man ya gotta have love, this'll set us straight 人啊,内心必须要有爱,它能把我们引上正路 Take control of your mind and meditate 调控你的心智 Let your soul gravitate 让你的灵魂指引你 to the love ya'll (to the love ya'll) 找到爱 to the love ya'll (to the love ya'll) 找到爱 to the love ya'll (to the love ya'll) 找到爱 to the love ya'll (to the love ya'll) 找到爱 People killin' People dyin' 人们在杀戮中死亡 Children hurt and you hear them crying 你可听见孩子受伤地哭泣 Can you practice what you preach 你是言而必行 Or would you turn the other cheek 还是逆来顺受 Father father father, help us 主啊,请帮助我们 Send some guidance from above 指引我们前进 Cause right now people have me questionin' 因为世人开始疑惑 Where is the love? 爱在何处 The love LOVE The love LOVE Where is the love, the love, my love? 何处是爱,是爱,爱 Where is the love? 爱在何处 Where is the love? 爱在何处 Where is the love, the love, my love? 何处是爱,是爱,爱