2015-12-19    65'59''


694 25

殘響http://zankyo.jp/ 终于来了!!这期也是略长~不过听歌多开心~~~ zankyo不仅有后摇,不仅有te,也有电子,也有实验。选择海外乐队的眼光也非常不俗! 歌单: Contemporary Noise Quintet - Unaffected Thought Flow (Part 2) People In The Box - 市民 COgeNdshE - 鶴の恩返し COgeNdshE - Rinjyu - Funckarma remix /Co-production by Phinx - remix ハイスイノナサ - 地下鉄の动态 chouchou merged syrups. - 月光 chouchou merged syrups. - 斜陽 People In The Box / Balloons The Octopus Project - Deep Spice Nedry - Condors Nedry - Swan Ocean Nedry - Apples & Pears ハイスイノナサ - 変身 雨のパレード - 10-9 Maps & Atlases - Will Maps & Atlases - Pigeon helios - eingya - 2006 - 10 - sons of light and darkness