04 Five Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed

04 Five Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed

2017-04-09    02'41''

主播: 家妤的妈妈

364 7

"It's time for bed,"said mama. So five little monkeys washed their faces, burshed their teeth, and put their pj's on. 睡觉时间到了,五只小猴子们洗漱完毕,穿上了他们的睡衣。 They kissed their mama and said,"Good night." But guess what happened then... 小猴子们跟妈妈说过晚安后,乖乖入睡了吗? Five little monkeys jumped on the bed. 没有,它们开始在床上蹦蹦跳 One fell off and bumped her head. The mama called the doctor. 一个小猴子们挨个从床上掉来下,摔着头。妈妈打电话给医生 The doctor said:"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" 医生回复:“不允许再有小猴子在床上跳了!" So four little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. 小猴子们呢,根本听不进劝告,依然快乐的蹦蹦跳。又一个从床上摔下来,摔着了头。 The mama called the doctor. The doctor said:"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" 妈妈打电话给医生,医生回复:“不允许再有小猴子在床上跳了!" So three little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped her head. 只有三只依然快乐的蹦蹦跳。又一个从床上摔下来,摔着了头。 The mama called the doctor. The doctor said:"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" 妈妈打电话给医生,医生回复:“不允许再有小猴子在床上跳了!" So twolittle monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. 只有两只小猴子依然快乐的蹦蹦跳。又一个从床上摔下来,摔着了头。 它们还知道”嘘,别让妈妈听见啦,继续玩它们的“ The mama called the doctor. The doctor said:"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" 妈妈打电话给医生,医生回复:“不允许再有小猴子在床上跳了!" So one little monkeys jumped on the bed. She fell off and bumped her head. 只有两只小猴子依然快乐的蹦蹦跳。又一个从床上摔下来,摔着了头。 The mama called the doctor. The doctor said:"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" 妈妈打电话给医生,医生回复:“不允许再有小猴子在床上跳了!" 后来呢。妈妈和医生都筋疲力尽,小猴子们在每一个都摔伤了之后,才乖乖进入了梦乡....... So little five monkeys fell fast asleep." thank goodness!"said mama."Now,I can go to bed!" 五只小猴子很快进入了梦乡。“太好了,现我可以睡觉了。” 作者介绍 Eileen Christelow,1943年出生于美国华盛顿,自幼就非常喜欢阅读,双亲每晚都会为她和弟弟念床前故事,书籍是Eileen Christelow全家人生活中不可或缺的一部份,她的父亲饱览各类书籍像历史、经济、小说,连唐老鸭米老鼠的漫画也不放过。她和弟弟最常收到的礼物就是书,并把不再看的书籍整理编册借给朋友,收取少量的租金。Eileen的童年几乎全窝在沙发上或树屋中,埋首沉浸在书堆里,这对一位作家来说是很棒的初阶教育,Eileen如是说到。双亲直到Eileen 12岁才买电视,她和弟弟都慎选节目,因为一星期只能看90分钟,Eileen肯定从这些优质节目所学习到的幽默感,对她的创作有相当的帮助。继续图画书创作这条路,Eileen的女儿Heather有着关键性的影响,她常和女儿一起上图书馆,无时无刻不在阅读。女儿一年级的时候,几次听到放学回来的她口里不断念着Five little monkeys jumping on the bed及Five little monkeys sitting in a tree的韵文,这样的灵感触发她将文字结合图像,简单利落的线条,明亮温和的色彩,一出版就大受孩子们的喜爱,陆续五只小猴子系列的灵感则是来自她到学校演说,孩子们给予的启发。
上一期: 02The Wheels On The Bus
下一期: 10 Ape in A Cape