《百鸟朝凤》Song of the Phoenix

《百鸟朝凤》Song of the Phoenix

2020-01-03    04'07''

主播: 国乐复兴计划

57 0

陈力宝的唢呐充满活力,如同一只空着盘旋的鸟儿,随着雷鬼乐的反拍节奏忽上忽下,低沉的长号如同路旁倒退而过的林木,那只鸟儿则在林木间跳跃啾鸣,欢唱着返乡的喜悦。热情欢快的旋律与百鸟和鸣之声,表现了生气勃勃的大自然景象。 作曲:任同祥 Composer: Ren Tongxiang 编曲:周侠、One Drop Arranger: Zhou Xia, One Drop 唢呐:陈力宝 Suona: Chen Libao 演奏:One Drop Performer: One Drop 主唱/吉他:Johnson Lufungulo(赞比亚) Vocal&Guitar: Johnson Lufungulo(Zambia) 键盘手/贝斯:José Gregorio Pérez(委内瑞拉) Keyboards & Bass guitar: José Gregorio Pérez(Venazuela) 鼓:Gabriel David Linares Chirinos(委内瑞拉) Drum: Gabriel David Linares Chirinos(Venazuela) 主音吉他:Parat Alim(中国) Lead guitar: Parat Alim(China) 长号:Darvel Martínez chapman(古巴) Trombone: Darvel Martínez chapman(Cuba) 录音及混音师:吴超雄 Sound engineer & Mixing: WU Chaoxiong 制作人: 周侠 Producer: ZHOU Xia 监制:卢中强 Supervisor: LU Zhongqiang 录音棚:新乐府录音棚 Venue: CMH Recording Studio 出品人:卢中强 樊国宾 Produced by: LU Zhongqiang, FAN Guobin