《光的旅程》 Luz

《光的旅程》 Luz

2020-01-03    05'31''

主播: 国乐复兴计划

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加那利五弦吉他在洛佩兹手中如同海风轻轻拂过,由远及近的埃及笛似海边的晨雾飘忽不定,倏忽间一抹红霞在明快的弹拨音色中跃然而出,舒缓的贝斯推着太阳慢慢升起,柔美的二胡旋律一下填满水面,晨光终于冲破云霞,海浪在水天一色中缓缓收复昨日的失地。这首洛佩兹原创的吉他演奏曲在加入中国民乐后也变的更为流畅抒情。 The sound of the traditional instrument of the Canary Islands played by lopez is Like a breeze from the sea. The sound of the Egypt flute, from far and near, feels like the seaside morning mist as erratic. Suddenly, the east grew rosy in the bright guitar tone. The peaceful bass pushes the sun slowly up, gently beautiful erhu melody filled with the ocean. The morning light finally broke through the clouds, the waves slowly regain yesterday&`&s lost ground while the sea seems to melt into the sky. López &`&s original guitar song has also become more lyrical after adding Chinese folk music. 作曲:赫尔曼·洛佩兹 Composer: Germán López 编曲:赫尔曼·洛佩兹 Arranger: Germán López 古典吉他:陈曦 Classical Guitar: Chen Xi 加那利五弦琴:赫尔曼·洛佩兹 Timple: Germán López 西班牙吉他/小打/贝斯:安东尼奥·托莱多 Spanish Guitar / Percussion / Bass: Antonio Toledo 埃及笛/二胡:汪洪 Egypt Flute / Erhu: Wang Hong 录音棚:新乐府CMH Studio Recording Studio: CMH Studio 版权提供:十三月文化 Copyright: 13-Month C&C