《四月的马拉圭那(Intro十面埋伏)》 Malagueñ

《四月的马拉圭那(Intro十面埋伏)》 Malagueñ

2020-01-03    05'49''

主播: 国乐复兴计划

69 0

古典吉他创造性的运用琵琶的轮拂手法,铿锵有力的节奏犹如扣人心弦的战鼓声,一段由慢及快、连续不断的扫弦把我们带到壮丽的古战场前,这首源自西班牙马拉加的传统弗拉门戈曲式,用典型的马拉圭那旋律循环渲染着战争一触即发前的紧张氛围,马蹄声、呐喊声、剑戟撞击声交织起伏、层层推进,全曲在递进的旋律中戛然而止。 Creative use of the pipa's wheeling approach to classical guitar playing, the sonorous and powerful rhythm is like a gripping war drum. A continuous sweep of the strings from slow to fast leads us to the magnificent old battlefield. This traditional flamengo song from Malaga, Spain, uses the typical maraguina melody cycle to play up the tense atmosphere before the war is about to start. The sounds of hooves, shouts and the clash of swords and halberds are intertwined with the ups and downs, pushing forward one after another, and the whole song stops abruptly in the progressive melody. 作曲:传统民谣,安东尼奥·托莱多、赫尔曼·洛佩兹 Composer: Traditional song, Germán López, Antonio Toledo 编曲:安东尼奥·托莱多、赫尔曼·洛佩兹 Arranger: Antonio Toledo, Germán López 古典吉他:陈曦 Classical Guitar: Chen Xi 加那利五弦琴:赫尔曼·洛佩兹 Timple: Germán López 西班牙吉他/小打:安东尼奥·托莱多 Spanish Guitar/ Percussion: Antonio Toledo 录音棚:新乐府CMH Studio Recording Studio: CMH Studio 版权提供:十三月文化 Copyright: 13-Month C&C