《渔获(渔舟唱晚组曲一)》 Yu Zhou Chang Wan Series Ⅰ

《渔获(渔舟唱晚组曲一)》 Yu Zhou Chang Wan Series Ⅰ

2020-01-03    02'21''

主播: 国乐复兴计划

96 0

晚霞绚烂,清脆的鼓声拍打着船身,转轴拨弦,难掩满仓的欣喜之情,弦声嘈嘈,荡一叶扁舟渔获归来。滕王阁上传来的渔舟唱晚,千年后成就了最广为流传的筝曲,而今又跨越万里,在同一纬度的加那利群岛找到共鸣,再次让人胸臆顿舒。 The sunset glow was gorgeous, and the sound of the drums beat like waves against the ship. When you listen to the beautiful melody, you can hear the joyful feeling of the fishing boat's full return. The fishing boat returns in the sound of sweeping the strings. The poem “Preface to Tengwang tower” written on the pavilion of king teng a thousand years ago made the most popular Guzheng song by later generations. Today it travels thousands of miles across the canary islands, at the same latitude, finding its resonance once again. 改编:周侠 Adaptor : Zhou Xia 编曲:安东尼奥·托莱多、赫尔曼·洛佩兹 Arranger: Antonio Toledo, Germán López 古典吉他:陈曦 Classical Guitar: Chen Xi 加那利五弦琴:赫尔曼·洛佩兹 Timple: Germán López 西班牙吉他/小打:安东尼奥·托莱多 Spanish Guitar / Percussion: Antonio Toledo 录音棚:新乐府CMH Studio Recording Studio: CMH Studio 版权提供:十三月文化 Copyright: 13-Month C&C