制作:新乐府 Production: CMH China Music House 词:佚名(民间流传) Lyrics:Anonymous (Folk Song) 书鼓、三皇板、坠琴:单德起 Shugu/Sanhuangban/Zhuiqin: Shan Deqi 三弦:于惟仕 Sanxian: Yu Weishi 乌利舍电钢琴/键盘:周侠 Wurlitzer/Keyboard:Zhou Xia 长号:杨明 Trombonist: Yang Ming 贝斯:Anton Davidyantz Bass: Anton Davidyantz 鼓:Alex Morris Drum: Alex Morris 说书人:毛方成 Voice: Mao Fangcheng 电子乐:SMADJ Electronic: SMADJ 吃酒不醉最为高 People who are not drunk are the best 贪色不迷是英豪 People who are not obsessed with porn are heroes 无义之财君莫取 Don't take the unjust money 忍气吞声祸自消 Endure can make disaster disappears 井淘三年吃好水 Drink good water after sinking well for three years 人受教导武艺高 People who receive guidance achieve higher achievements 说的是 It’s said that 天色将晚 When it started late 落了太阳 The sun goes down 再说说 Let’s talk about 老两口睡觉 The old couple prepare for bed 把门关上 Close the door 对喽,老两口睡觉把门关上 Right, the old couple closed the door 有人说,人都说小两口睡觉把门关上 Someone asked, it’s often said that the young couple closed the door 你为什么说老两口睡觉把门关上呢 Why did you said about the old couple 对了 不管小两口、老两口睡觉都要关上门 Right, no matter the young couple or the old couple need to close the door while sleeping 把门关上是为了押韵 Closing the door is to match the rhyme 咱说这一个小段 把门关上 是不是 We tell the little story, close the door, right? 这老两口睡觉睡到半夜里 The old couple sleep still midnight 可不好了 Something’s happened 爬起来就闹饥荒 Famine has already started when they woke up 打起来了 They started to fight 老两口 这老头爬起了 上了火 The couple,the old man got mad 照老太太 咣叽咣叽就是两巴掌 He slapped the old woman twice 起先是二人还在炕上打 At first they were fighting in bed 到后来一直打到地上 Then from bed to ground 老太太一根磨棍拿在手 The old woman was holding a stick 这老头 拿起一根水担仗 And the old man carried a shoulder pole 老两口 起先是还在屋里院子里打 At first they were fighting in the room and yard 此后来 一直打到大街上哎 老两口半夜三更爱打仗 惊动了街坊邻居一大帮 Then form yard to the avenue,Oh, the old couple fought at midnight and alarmed a large group of neighbors 邻居一个个迈步把门出 把老两口围在正中央 The neighbors came out of their houses and surrounded the old couple in the middle 这个上前就把大爷叫 One came to call the old man 那个向前叫大娘 While another came to call the old woman 哎 我说大爷大娘 半夜三更 恁不睡觉 为什么跑到大街来闹泱泱 Hey, uncle and aunt, why do you make noise at midnight 老头一见众人们到啊 The old man say everyone coming 老嘴一张开了腔 我说众人恁可不知晓 听我对恁说端详 Bagan to say that you guys don’t know 恁大爷我 从来有个喝酒的病 I have a special hobby about drinking 每晚上 酒壶都要放在我头顶上 The flagon should be put above my head every night 恁大爷我 半夜起来总要喝上几口酒 I often drink a few when I wake up at night 就这样 恁大爷我觉得心里很舒畅 I feel pleasant in this way 谁知道 恁大娘她 今晚上把酒壶给我拿走了 她把尿壶放在了我的头顶上 Who knows my wife changed the flagon into urinal tonight 恁大爷我 爬起来喝了好几口 I woke up and drink it a lot 哎呀来 这酒是又涩又骚滋味不强 Ouch, it astringent and smelly 这就是喝酒的一个坏毛病 This is a bad habit of drinking 这件事恁说可扬不可扬 What do you think of this matter 众人听了呵呵笑 Neighbors laughed about this 就说道 叫大爷从今后千万别再把酒尝 And told the old man that never drink any longer
上一期: 人生如同浑水鱼
下一期: 李姑娘