【joffre求知】莎老师有话说--​Winter ​Winter ​Winter

【joffre求知】莎老师有话说--​Winter ​Winter ​Winter

2016-02-04    01'36''


56 1

Winter,winter,winter 上海经历了35年来最强的寒潮,真的想跟上海的天气倒个歉,当初不该嘲笑你5次入冬失败,对不起--- 在这种时候,我总是会念念不忘同纬度的家乡,听说New York也是被暴风雪肆虐的不行 小伙伴们是不是觉得纽约会很冷,但真心的,当我们在纽约的时候,说到冷,就会想到加拿大。大家都会知道如果要去加拿大留学,考的是英语。但是其实加拿大很多地方都是说法语的, 其实大家稍微留心,就会发现在我们的模考软件里就有提到加拿大的蒙特利尔,是个法语城市。 第五题的原文,大致是这样: 题:一个男生,本想和他的法语同班同学一起去加拿大蒙特利尔做一次旅行,其中还有一次法语的表演可以看,但是问题是他忘记了去申请出国用的护照,现在他有两个选择,第一个是支付150美元去申请护照加急,但是这对他来说是一笔不小的费用,第二就是呆在学校里,教授建议他写一份三页的法语paper。 问:你觉得哪一个解决办法好? 答题可以建议为:In the listening,the boy plans to go to Metrorail with his French classmates to have trip which can give them an chance to communicate with native speak and watch an French play there. However, unfortunately, the boy forgot to apply for his US passport so that he cannot go to Canada. Now, he has two solutions, the first one is paying0 dollars to get a passport on time. Second, his professor suggested him that staying on campus and write a 3-pages paper in French about Metrorail. I will suggest him to get the passport and go to that trip with classmate because this is a precious opportunity for him to practice his French and he also said that he wants to talk with native people. However, if he chooses to stay on campus, just writing paper cannot help him to have such a practical experience. As for 150 dollars, as a university student, he can find himself a part-time job to make it up. So this will not be a serious problem, money can be made back, but not time.