

2016-05-30    10'19''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英文学习笔记: pier n.码头;桥墩 torches n.手电筒;火炬;火把 dude n.(口)哥们 reject vt.拒绝 wonderment n.惊奇;惊叹 slightly adv.些微地 charming adj.迷人的 asshole n.讨厌的人 Believe it not, I’m a bit of a romantic myself. I think of dancing on a pier that extends into the ocean under the stars, surrounded by torches burning while band plays soft jazz… 不管你信不信,我是有点浪漫的人。在火把围绕的码头上伴随着轻柔的爵士乐跳舞,头顶的星空蔓延至海边…… Did you hear about that dude from Guangzhou that bought 99 iPhone 6s and proposed to his girlfriend? Then the girl rejected him! 你听说过有个家伙从广州买了 99 部iPhone 6s向他的女朋友求婚吗?然后这个女孩拒绝了他 ! A girl and boy both have roles to play but romance is about feelings, about a connection. If you or the person you’re with don’t feel that connection, it isn’t romance. But if there is that connection, if there is that wonderment and slightly crazy feeling in the air, it doesn’t matter what you two do, it’ll still be a romance. 女孩和男孩都有自己的角色,浪漫是关于感情和连接的。如果你或另外一个人感受不到这种连接,它就不是浪漫。但如果有那种连接,呼吸中都有那让人惊奇和略有疯狂的感觉,不论你们两个做什么都是浪漫的。 It’s usually up to the man. If you want to be a romantic, you’ve got to be confident, you’ve got to be smart, charming AND you’ve got to be kind of an asshole. 通常取决于男士。如果你想要做一个浪漫的人,你需要有信心,你得聪明、迷人,然后有点坏坏的感觉。 The best way to win a girls heart is to make her laugh. Make her laugh BUT don’t make her laugh too much, otherwise you’ll land in the friend zone. 最好的方法赢得女孩的心是要逗她开心。就让她笑,但不要让她笑得太多,否则你会在她的朋友区。 A man trying to escape the friend zone is like chocolate cake trying to escape a fat guy. It’s just not gonna happen… Anyway, be polite but also remember to be a bit of an asshole. 一个男生想要离开妹子的朋友区,就像巧克力蛋糕试图从胖子的手里逃离。它是不会发生的!不管怎么说,要有礼貌,但也别忘了一点点坏。 Don’t call her ugly. Don’t punch her in the head. 别说她丑。别打她的头。