

2016-09-06    02'40''

主播: 'CHANG

764 13

周三、话题 地铁 Get a ticket at the ticket window 在窗口买票 pass through the toll gate过检票口 Get on the subway/ metro 上地铁 change/ transfer trains 换乘地铁 Get off the subway 下地铁                 hold onto the strap/ handle抓住扶手   What line do you usually take? 你通常乘坐哪条线? I’m riding on/ taking line#1. 我坐1号线。 Which stop did you get on at? 你哪站上的车? The subway is packed this morning. 地铁今早满员。 How far do we have to go? 我们要走多远? We have six stops to travel. 我们得走六站。 Where will we get off? 我们在哪儿下车? We need to transfer at next stop. 我们得在下一站换乘。