

2018-03-23    04'36''

主播: 听原声英语电影

4294 84

Sailing 远航 I am sailing. 我在远航。 I am sailing,home again,’cross the sea. 我在远航,穿越海洋,重回故乡。 I am sailing, 我在远航, stormy waters,to be near you,to be free. 乘风破浪,向你靠近,获得自由。 I am flying. 我在飞翔, I am flying,like a bird,’cross the sky. 我在飞翔,像那鸟儿,展翅翱翔。 I am flying, 我在飞翔, passing high clouds,to be with you,to be free. 掠过云朵,向你靠近,获得自由。 Can you hear me?  是否听到? Can you hear me,through the dark night,far away? 是否听到,夜色茫茫,道路长长。 I am dying, 我命垂危, forever crying,to be with you,who can say. 呐喊回荡在长空,若有你依偎,宛若天堂。 Can you hear me? 是否听到? Can you hear me,through the dark night,far away. 是否听到,夜色茫茫,道路长长。 I am dying, 我命垂危, forever crying,to be with you,who can say. 呐喊回荡在长空,若有你依偎,宛若天堂。     We are sailing. 我们在远航, We are sailing,home again,’cross the sea. 我们在远航,穿越海洋,重回故乡。 We are sailing, 我们在远航, stormy waters,to be near you,to be free. 乘风破浪,向你靠近,获得自由。    Oh, Lord, to be near you,to be free. 噢,主啊,以求走近你,以求得到自由。 Oh, Lord, to be near you,to be free. 噢,主啊,以求走近你,以求得到自由。 Oh, Lord, to be near you,to be free.Oh, Lord. 噢,主啊,以求走近你,以求得到自由。