

2019-10-07    06'23''

主播: 好鱼怕冷

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Today, we are going to learn several expressions about the word “Sun”. 今天,我们来学习跟“sun”有关的几个表达。 第一个表达是:everything under the sun,用来指所有东西。比如,当问一个超市老板,店里买些什么的时候,回答说:I sell everything under the sun(字面上是,阳光下的所有东西),也就是天下万物。 同时,表示跟朋友、家人无所不谈,也可以说: talk about everything under the sun。 第二个表达是:a sunshine law,表示阳光法案,允许公众参看的法案记录。 第三个跟sun相关的表达是一个组合词,sunbelt表示阳光地带,在美国,Sunbelt特别指美国南部从佛罗里达州到加利福尼亚州这些气候较温暖的州。阳光地的洛杉矶、圣地亚哥、凤凰城、休斯顿、达拉斯以及. 圣安东尼奥市,这几个城市位于美国十大城市之中,这些城市劳工成本较低,工会的力量没那么大,所以公司发展迅速。 此外,还有一首歌脍炙人口的歌,You Are My Sunshine! 很好了,下面这篇文章的英文全文! The first expression is about everything, everything under the sun. If you own a store that sold many different items, your advertisements could say you sell everything under the sun. This would not be exactly true, of course. But what would advertising be without some creative descriptions? Here is another example: Let’s say you are talking with a friend you have not seen for a long time.The two of you could have a lot of catching up to do. So, you talk about everything under the sun. Under the sun is an old expression – at least 3,000 years old. It means everywhere the sun shines. King Solomon of Israel used it in the Bible. He wrote that nothing under the sun is new.What has been will be again, he said, and what has been done will be done again. If there is nothing new under the sun, there is nothing new anywhere.New or old, few things can be hidden in the bright light of the sun. That leads to another expression: a sunshine law.This law says that all government meetings must be open to the public. In some states, sunshine laws also say the government must permit the public to see government records. The Atlanta Journal and Constitution newspaper published a report about the value of sunshine laws.It told about how officials of a local government met secretly with a land developer to discuss using public land for a private entertainment center.The deal was stopped when it finally became publicly known. “It often takes a crisis,” the newspaper report said, “to awaken citizens to their rights under the state sunshine laws.”It said the laws are called that because they shine sunlight on dark corners where secret deals can be made. Another expression about the sun is Sunbelt. The word describes the warmer states of the American south, from Florida to California. The warmer weather in the Sunbelt causes many people to move there. They move from the Frostbelt, the colder northern states, and the Rustbelt, the older industrial states. In addition, labor costs are lower in the Sunbelt, and labor unions are not as strong as in the north. So many companies moved their factories to the Sunbelt. Workers followed. By 1990, the Sunbelt cities of Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio were among the ten largest cities in the United States. From geographic areas to music, the word “sun” finds its place.Every type of music -- from rock to pop to country -- has songs about the sun. One of the most popular is “You Are My Sunshine.”What began as a sad love song is now a classic children’s song. Many performers have recorded this song.Here is part of it. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine 你就是我的阳光,我唯一的阳光 You make me happy when skies are gray 当天空乌云密布时是你使我快乐 You’ll never know dear how much I love you 亲爱的,你从来不知道我是多么的爱你 Please don’t take my sunshine away 请别带走我的阳光 Ok, This song brings us to the end of today's share! 以上就是今天分享的全部内容。