

2019-12-20    02'00''

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他的音乐包罗万象,但绝不普通 作品|电影《海上钢琴师》 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《The Legend of 1900》 We played because the ocean is big and scary. 我们演奏是因为大海如此浩瀚和令人敬畏。 We played so the people wouldn’t feel the time passing and could forget where they were and who they were. 当我们演奏时,人们就察觉不到时间的流逝,他们会忘了身在何处,忘了自己是谁。 We played to make them dance, when you dance you can’t die and you feel like god. 我们演奏是为了让他们翩翩起舞,因为当你跳舞时你不会死,而且觉得自己能掌握一切。 We played ragtime, because that’s the music God dances too, when nobody’s watching him, assuming the God is black! 我们演奏拉格泰姆音乐,因为如果假设上帝是黑人,当没人注意时,上帝也能随着这种音乐翩翩起舞。 But it was in third class that Nineteen Hundred played the music which was really his. 但只有在三等舱时,1900才会演奏属于他自己的音乐。 He’d go in afternoons or late at night, when he didn’t have to play the normal notes. 他会在下午或深夜去那儿,那时他不必演奏常规的音乐。 And his music was made of notes that were anything but normal. 他的音乐包罗万象,但绝不普通。