《阿拉丁与神灯》 第11期

《阿拉丁与神灯》 第11期

2020-01-08    01'56''

主播: Kim🐈🌱

195 2

参考原文: Abanazar took a gold ring off his finger and gave it Aladdin. This ring is magic and can protect you, he said. 阿巴那扎尔从手上摘下一枚金戒指交给阿拉丁。这枚戒指具有魔力,能够保护你。他说。 Be careful, and bring me the lamp quickly! Aladdin put the ring on the little finger of his left hand and began to go down the stairs. 小心点儿,尽快把灯带给我。阿拉丁把戒指戴在左手的小指上,沿着台阶走了下去。 It was dark and he was afraid, but he was more afraid of Abanazar. And Aladdin was right to be afraid, because Abanazar was not his uncle. 里面很黑,他很害怕,但他更害怕阿巴那扎尔。阿拉丁感到害怕是对的,因为阿巴那扎尔并不是他的叔叔。 He was a magician from Morocco, and he wanted this lamp very much. It was a magic lamp, and only a poor boy from the city could get it for him——a boy called Aladdin. 他是一个来自摩洛哥的魔法师,他非常想得到那盏灯。那是一盏神灯,只有这座城市里一个叫阿拉丁的穷孩子才能为他拿到。 Aladdin went down a hundred stairs and into the first room. Down here, it was not dark and he went quickly through the rooms to the door into the garden. 阿拉丁下了100级台阶来到第一间屋子里。里面并不暗,他很快穿过那些屋子走进了花园。 There were trees in the garden, with beautiful fruit of different colors——white, red, green and yellow. He soon found the lamp, under one of the trees. 花园里有很多树,树上满是五颜六色的美丽果子,有白的,红的,绿的,还有黄的。他很快就在其中一棵树下找到了那盏灯。