English in mind第二册-Unit2-Alex's story about an invention-Velcro

English in mind第二册-Unit2-Alex's story about an invention-Velcro

2018-05-23    02'13''


252 9

I’m going to write about the tape call Velcro.The man who invented it was George de Mestral, from Switzerland. De Mestral got the idea in 1948.One day, when he was walking in the woods, he got annoyed because there were lots of burrs (from plants)on his coat and trousers, and it was very difficult to get them off.De Mestral noticed how the burrs were sticking to his clothes and he used the idea to make a kind of tape out of cotton.He started a factory to make Velcro in 1952. I think Velcro is very useful for things like trainers and other clothes and also for bags, because it’s easy and quick to use.