Our Own Heaven-Masetti

Our Own Heaven-Masetti

2017-05-01    03'54''

主播: Camille: )

450 17

◣歌詞◥ Imagine a world that you never knew 假设有一个你从未见过的世界 Right above us and it's filled with people just like me and you 就在我们头顶之上,那里全是像你我这样的人 We don't need to make a reservation. No it's not a ruse 我们不需要提前预定。这也不是什么诡计。 I could take you to the spot, but there's one thing you got to do 我可以带你去那里,但是在这之前你得做一件事情 Tell me how much that it means for you to follow your dreams 你要告诉我为了追逐你的梦想,你会付出多少 How much money would it take for you to leave everything behind 要花多少钱才能让你抛开一切 to be with who you're meant to be together at last 和你心仪的人终老此生 Fly away to something better than the years that have passed 飞向比以往更好的未来 Take a big step forward we embrace the unknown 向前一大步,我们去拥抱未知 The anxiety you're feeling will fill up in every bone 你的焦虑会浸透骨髓 But you're destined to be greater. Don't believe in your mind 但你命中注定成大事,所以不要被自己此刻的心情所蒙蔽 You are something out the ordinary living divine 你不是凡夫不是俗子。 This place is better than you've ever known it ain't a lie 这个地方比任何你知道的地方都好,这不是谎话 Because I've seen it and I've felt it with my hands and my eyes 因为我已亲眼所见,亲身所经历 I'll take it over any destination that we could find 我会把它带到我们能找到的任何目的地 And it's something so achievable. It's all in your mind for you 这完全是可以实现的,因为脑子能想到的就一定能做到 No one chose this life for me but I don't mind it 没有人为我选择这样的生活,也没关系 Cause when I'm down under the rain I feel reminded I will devise a plan up in the skies again 因为倾盆的大雨只会提醒我那个重返蓝天的梦想 Knowing that I have been torn down 即使知道已经一败涂地 But nothing can slow me down even through lows I found If I combine what I know now 如果我拼凑起自己现在的所知所感,即使是身处低谷 也没有什么能使我慢下脚步 Imagine a world that you never knew 想象一个全新的世界 Right above us and its filled with people just like me and you 就在我们头顶,里面全是如你我一般的人 It's the reason I'm leaving. I'm making it come true 这就是我离开的理由。我会把这个梦想变成现实 Take ahold of how I'm living and making it brand new 把眼下的一切变得焕然一新 There's a moment of clarity when you see who you are 当你真正认识自己时,有一瞬间你会焕然大悟 The reality is we can be the light in the stars That hover over us entirely with the moon and the Mars 事实就是我们可以做头顶星辰上那伴着月亮和火星闪耀的光芒 We can make this world a better place if we were in charge 假如有我们做主,世界将会变得更美好 I never had a good agenda 'til the day I relied on something bigger than myself that most would hate and despise 从未有过什么宏伟的目标,直到有一天我依赖上了大多数人厌恶和反感的东西 There's a world thats right in front of us that most never try to be apart of cause they're busy with the stress in their lives 我们面前有这样一个大多数人永远也不愿加入的世界,因为他们忙于应付生活的压力 No one chose this life for me but I don't mind it 没有人为我选择这样的生活但是没关系 Cause when I'm down under the rain, I feel reminded I will devise a plan up in the skies again 大雨只会提醒我,草拟重返蓝天的梦想 Knowing that I have been torn down 即使知道已经一败涂地 But nothing can slow me down even through lows I found If I combine what I know now 如果我拼凑起自己现在的所知所感,即使是身处低谷 也没有什么能使我慢下脚步 Throughout the lies and all the infinite times That I could never devise the right words to Show you that I rely only on time to fly 穿过谎言和无尽的时代, 我永远无法以恰当的言语来告诉你 我仅仅依靠时间飞行 But I'm reminded I hurt you 但是我想起我伤害过你 But within a dream we can be king or a queen 但是在梦中,我们可以是国王和王后 And we can live in a scene that we made up 我们可以住在我们幻想的场景里 With nothing to fight about we can just fly around 没有任何纷争,只有自由的飞翔 Up in the sky while we raise up 直冲云霄 No one chose this life for me but I don't mind it 没有人为我选择这样的生活但是没关系 Cause when I'm down under the rain I feel reminded I will devise a plan up in the skies again 因为倾盆的大雨只会提醒我那个重返蓝天的梦想 Knowing that I have been torn down 即使知道已经一败涂地 But nothing can slow me down even through lows I found If I combine what I know now 如果我拼凑起自己现在的所知所感,即使是身处低谷 也没有什么能使我慢下脚步 ♡