Round and Round the garden

Round and Round the garden

2019-03-04    02'27''

主播: BabyValue英语

321 1

Round and round the garden , 围着花园转啊转 like a Teddy bear. 像一只泰迪熊 One step ,two steps (在童谣中为了唱的押韵会省略掉这个s.都是无可厚非的哈!) 一步、两步 tickly under there. (也常做:tickle you under there/armpits) 挠痒痒啦! 英语真的要从娃娃抓起,最近看到一道小学五年级的英语题,拿来给大家分享一下,也让大家看一看我们英文童谣的影响力! 填空(英语童谣) Round and round the garden,绕着花园走呀走, Goes the little ____,小老鼠不停地走, Up,up,up he creeps,向上,向上,它向上爬, UP into his ____.爬进了它的家. Round and round the garden,绕着花园走呀走, Goes the teddy bear,玩具小熊不停地走, One step,two steps,一步,两步, Tickle your ____ there.挠挠你的胳肢窝. 根据中文意思填空.
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下一期: Yes I can