【时事热点】英雄归来永不晚   为船长祈福

【时事热点】英雄归来永不晚 为船长祈福

2016-11-02    12'19''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

486 3

获取更多资讯,欢迎关注新浪微博@新联学院英语教育广播电台 主播 Queena 本期文稿: Chinese mariner Guo Chuan has gone missing on a solo trans-Pacific voyage that was set to break a world record. The US Coast Guard confirmed Thursday that it had suspended its search operation in the Pacific Ocean for the missing Chinese sailor Guo Chuan, after rescuers had boarded his drifting yacht and spotted his lifejacket without finding any trace of the mariner. Guo's support team said they not been in contact with him since 3 p.m. Tuesday Beijing time . His trimaran "Qingdao China," named after his home city in eastern China, was spotted 900 nautical miles off the west coast of Hawaii -- but Guo was nowhere to be found. "Crew of USS Mankin Island has visited the boat but did not find Guo. They collected all Guo's belongings aboard for his family. They lowered the mainsail around 11:50 a.m.Search and rescue is continuing on the sea," the latest update said Thursday. Guo set sail on his trimaran near the US city of San Francisco on October 19, embarking on a solo voyage to the Chinese city of Shanghai. The 50-year-old Chinese sailor was aiming to set a new solo non-stop trans-Pacific world record, piloting the "Qingdao China" westward bound after crossing the start line under San Francisco's iconic Golden Gate Bridge. Dubbed "Chinese No. 1 Mariner," Guo Chuan is regarded as a national hero in China. He planned to reach Shanghai in 20 days, breaking the previous 21-day record set by an Italian . His intended route was about 7,000 nautical miles. In an official statement, the Consulate General of China in Los Angeles said that the consulate would spare no effort to push forward the search and rescue work, with assistance from both China and US government. News of Guo’s disappearance has made waves across China, and millions of people are praying for his safe return. Guo Chuan, we are waiting for you!