

2016-11-17    10'59''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

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获取更多资讯,欢迎关注新浪微博@新联学院英语教育广播电台 主播:Yura 本期文稿 Turn your face to the sun 面朝太阳 Beloved, 亲爱的: There are days when nothing seems right, when every shell you pick up on the winding shore is broken,when the silken treasure slips through your fingers too quickly, and when comforts are empty and the world is noisy. 总有这样的日子:一切似乎都不正常,你在弯弯曲曲的海滩上捡到的贝壳都是残缺不全的,珍贵的宝物从你指缝中一忽儿就溜走了,别人应该给的慰藉荡然无存,而整个世界喧闹不堪。 On those jagged edged days, when the wind is screaming for a reason only she understands. 在那些艰难的日子里,狂风莫名地呼啸, And you find yourself all alone. 而你发现自只是孤身一人。 Turn your face to the sun. 面朝太阳吧。 There is goodness in the world that even the river of tears cannot erase. 因为人世间存在美善,即便是成河的泪水也无法将其冲掉。 There is love in the world that the numbed armies of fear can not destroy. 因为人世间存在着真爱,即便是冰冷的恐惧也不能将其摧毁。 Sometimes that goodness is everywhere apparent. 有时,那种美善处处可见, It pours from the heart of every moment, from the light of every smile. 它来自每时每刻跳动的心,来自每一个微笑。 On those soft days, love hides in the eaves to drop like sweet honey on your forehead and sings her lilting lullabies in the arms of the winds. 在那些顺风顺水的日子里,干甜如蜜的真爱由天而降,在和风的怀抱中唱着轻快的歌。 But on some days, Beloved. On days like today... 但是亲爱的,在有些日子里,比如今天… We need to look, to see. 我们需要去留意,去观察。 So turn your face to the sun. 所以,面朝太阳吧。 Even when she is nowhere to be seen. 即便是在她躲了起来,不知所踪的时候。 Go inside yourself. Find a speck, a splinter of beauty to be grateful for. 审视自己,找到一处可以让你感激的美丽瑕疵吧。 Yes, the day has worn you. 是的,生活让你疲惫不堪。 And Yes,our mistakes have been so many. 是的,我们的失误是如此之多。 But say Thank you anyway. 但不管怎样,说声谢谢吧。 Take account of all that is in your possession. 善待你所拥有的一切, A mind. A heart. A body. 思想,心灵,还有身体。 A life that breathes, even if for just one more day. 还有能够呼吸的每一天,即便是还有最后一天。 Now count the eyes that have smiled at you on your wild journey, 数数在你流浪的旅途中对你微笑的眼睛, the hands that have held you tenderly, 温柔地扶着你的大手, the ears that have listened, 倾听你心声的耳朵, the prayers that have been made on your behalf. 还有为你祈祷的声音。 And whisper your Thank you again. 然后,再次说声谢谢吧。 Count the sky that has watched you grow with His painted eyes, 数数那用五彩斑斓的眼睛注视这你成长的蓝天, The heaving waves that find their echo in the tides of your breathing, 随着你呼吸的节奏而激荡回响的起伏的波浪, The little birds that have sung you their songs, 还有献给你歌声的鸟儿, The stars which have been a lamp to your path, 照亮你路途 and are your rightful inheritance. 而又属于你的星星。 Count unexpected laughter, 数数未曾期待的笑声, Count undeserved grace, 数数不期而至的礼遇, Count Passion and Love and Dreams yet to be born, 数数你拥有的激情和爱,还有将要萌生的梦想。 And bow your head and say thank you, 然后,低下头,说声谢谢吧。 Now count the lives who still need your light, 现在,数数需要你给予光明的生命, The hungry, the sick, the helpless, 那些饥饿,生病,无助的人们。 Count the children who will die today 数数今天就要离开这个世界的孩子们。 and imagine if with the breath of your body 想想只要你一息尚存, you could help just one. 你能帮助他们,哪怕就一个。 Turn your face to the sun, 面朝太阳吧, And know yourself as a child of the light. 你要知道你是光明之子。 You are the Goodness that cannot be extinguished, 你就是拿不会消之的美善, The love that burns through the darkest night. 那燃烧在漆黑之夜的爱。 And perhaps, 或许, In turning 在转身的一瞬, You will see what I have seen, 你会看到我所看到的那一面, that this day where everything seemed wrong, 看起来一切都不正常的日子 was not your curse, 并不是我对你的发难, It was your gift, 其实是生活给你的馈赠, Your chance... 是你的机遇。 To find inside yourself a forgotten thank you, 去你的内心寻找那个被你忘记的谢谢, To smile in the face of the grim suppressors, 去微笑着面对充满挫折的生活, To stand in the heart of the glowering darkness 从弥漫的黑暗中站起来, and turn your face to the sun. 面朝太阳吧。