

2017-02-28    10'53''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

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获取更多资讯,欢迎关注@新联学院英语教育广播电台 主播:靳晓奇 Kapok Life is meant to be hard work. 生活,就是要努力工作 Life is meant to be easy, beautiful and overflowing with moments of joy and bliss. 生活应该是舒适、美好而又充满着快乐和幸福的。 The more you listen to your soul and build a life that's true to you, the more your actions will feel completely natural and effortless. 你越多的倾听你心灵的声音,创造一个忠实于己的生活,你的行动就会越多的感到自然和轻松。 If life is a constant struggle, you're running on empty and you dread Mondays, it's time to take an honest look at your life -- in a loving way. 如果你感到生活就像一个旷日持久的战争,让你觉得空虚,害怕工作日,那么是时候以一种充满爱的方式诚实的审视你的生活了。 Life happens to us. 生活是个偶然 Where you are now is a result of the choices you made in the past. Where you will be in the futureis a result of the choices you are making right now. 你过去所做的选择决定了你现在在哪里,而你现在所做的选择又会决定你将来会去哪里。 You are an active participant in the creation of your life. So embrace your power as a creator, and start choosing thoughts, words and actions that make a positive impact and will come back to you in a million magnificent, beautiful, jaw-dropping ways. 你是你生活的积极参与者。所以发挥作为创造者的权力,并且开始选择那些对你的生活产生积极影响的思想、言论和行动。这些思想、言论、行动会以无数宏伟、美丽、令人瞠目结舌的方式回到你身边。 We have to compete for limited resources. 我们必须争夺有限的资源。 Life is meant to be abundant and limitless. We create scarcity by believing in it, instead of focusing our efforts on creating, giving and contributing our gift to help human kind reach its highest potential. 生活应该是富有和无限的。稀缺只是我们想象出来的,我们应该把精力用于创造、给予,将我们的天赋用于挖掘人类最高潜力上。 Relax and feel it deep within your heart that you will always be provided for. 放轻松,感受你内心深处的力量,你将永远不感到匮乏。 It matters what other people think of us. 别人对我们的看法很重要. We give away so much of our energy, power and inner peace by worrying about what othersthink of us. 为别人的看法而担忧让我们失掉了太多的精力、能量和内心的平静。 The truth is we can't ever know for certain what other people are thinking about us. So when yourego starts to fill you with doubt and fear, remember it's a fictional story. 而事实是我们无法确知他人是如何看待我们的。因此,当你的内心被怀疑和恐惧侵占时,记住你的想法只是一个虚构的故事。 You are perfect and complete exactly as you are. Even when you are striving to improve and grow, you are complete. As the Buddhist saying goes, "We are all perfect as we are, and we could all use a little work." 现在的你就是完美和完整的。甚至当你努力自我提升和成长时,你也是完整的。就像佛教有云,“我们都是完美的,但我们都可以稍稍努力让自己更好。” Make forgiveness your new motto and see how much freer and lighter your soul feels. 把宽恕当作你的新格言,你会感觉自己的心灵轻松自由很多。 We see things how they really are. 我们看到事物真实的模样 How we experience the world is heavily influenced by our beliefs and past experiences. 我们的信仰和过去的经历深深的影响我们对世界的感受。