【听歌学英语】Nothing's  gonna  change  my   love  for  you

【听歌学英语】Nothing's gonna change my love for you

2018-12-26    07'51''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1278 7

主播:Fiona 今天呢,要和大家分享一首非常甜蜜的爱情歌曲《Nothing’s gonna change my love for you》.我们一起来欣赏这首美妙的歌曲吧! 这首歌曲的原唱是Glenn Medeiros.创作于1984年,是经典爱情篇《廊桥遗梦》的主题曲。这首歌曲演唱版本众多,经由不同歌手多次的翻唱而风靡全球。最经典的版本之一便是Westlife(西城男孩)的倾心演绎。The slightly hoarse and sad voice touches everyone who listens. All the emotions are mixed in this song. 那略带沙哑又充满悲伤的声音,感动着每一位用心聆听之人,所有复杂的情绪都被糅杂在一首歌里。好啦,让我们继续欣赏吧! 伴随着美妙的歌声,我们一起来学习这首歌的歌词吧!想要给大家分享三个需要注意的知识点: 1、一是注意连读。 (1) 是歌词 If I had to live my life without you near me. 中without you. (2) 是歌词 The days would all be empty.中would all. (3) 是歌词中Our love will lead a way for us like a guiding star.中lead a way. 注意连读唱出来的歌声更好听哦! 第二个需要注意的地方是在歌词“You ought to know by know how much I love you”中的“ought to”“ought to”有四种解释: (1) 表示义务、责任 {used to say what is the right thing to do} Eg: They ought to apologize. (2) 表示劝告、建议 {used to say what you advise or recommend} Eg: We ought to be leaving now. (3) 表示期望或可能发生的事 {used to say what you expect or would like to happen} Eg: You ought to know by now how much I love you. (4) 表示可能发生的或真实发生的事情 {used to say what has probably happened or is probably true} Eg: If he started out at nine,he ought to be here by now. *扩展:表示过去应做某事而实际未做 Eg:You ought to have told me that (but you didn’t) 三是 注意“后置定语” 在歌词“If the road ahead is not so easy”中“road ahead” (1) 凡是短语、词组、从句作定语时,都要后置 Eg: the basket full of apples ; people in the hall. (2) 有些副词作定语也要后置 Eg : people here ;people there (3) 有些形容词要作后置定语 Eg:alive、alone、present、 像短语:people alive;these boys alone;people present. (4) 复合不定代词的定语也要后置 Eg : anything wrong;something good to eat;nothing serious. 这就是后置定语的四种基本用法!一定要记住哦! 好啦!以上就是本期听歌学英语的全部内容,都记好了吗?Remember:Nothing’s gonna change my love for you----没有什么能改变我对你们的爱! 我是主播—Fiona 我们下期再见。 See you!