

2019-04-04    05'49''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

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古朴英国(中) 主播:Camellia 1. The Eden Project伊甸园工程 The Eden Project offers an incredible collection of plants from all around the world, along with some amazing works of art. It also plays host to many music events. “伊甸园工程”是世界上最大的温室,坐落于英国西南部康瓦尔郡。在这里你会看到囊括全世界各地各种植物的壮观展览,还有许多精美的艺术品展出,这里还经常举办各种音乐节。 The domes are located in a reclaimed quarry and look similar to igloo shaped greenhouses. Each dome has a different environment inside. The Eden project is the home of invaluable conservation research. 乍看之下,这个世界上最大的温室就像许多冰屋,这些圆顶建筑所在位置原先是一个废弃的采石场。这里还是许多可贵的植物保护研究的温床。 You can buy an advanced annual passto receive 10% off full ticket price. 你可以提前买一张全年通票,比全额票价有10%的优惠哟。 Plan on spending the entire day there. There are snack bars and restaurants where you can grab a bite. As it covers 10 hectares, wear good walking shoes! 为行程留足一天的时间。这里有小吃吧和餐厅,供你补充能量。整个工程占地10英亩,一定要穿舒适的步行鞋哟。 2. Lanhydrock 兰海德罗克城堡 When you first see this magnificent house, you may be reminded of ‘Upstairs, Downstairs’, which is all about life in Victorian England. Rebuilt after a fire in 1881 it is complete with roasting ovens and warming cupboards. It even has a flushable toilet! 当你亲眼目睹这座雄伟的城堡时,你一定会想到英国经典戏剧《楼上楼下》中的情景,这部戏剧所描绘的就是英国维多利亚时期的生活情景。历史上的兰海德罗克城堡在1881年遭大火焚毁,如今现有的城堡是重建后的成果,城堡内增添了烘炉和暖柜,里面甚至还有一座冲水马桶。 Look for the drawing room which is packed with antiques and artwork. The kitchens were some of the first to have a refrigerator room, while the Long Gallery is well renowned for the ornate plaster ceiling. 一定要看看城堡里的会客室,这里陈列着各式古董和艺术品。城堡里的厨房是英国最早配备有冷冻机室的厨房之一。在城堡里的长廊上可以看到远近闻名的华丽石膏吊顶。 The porcelain collection dates back to the 18th century and you will find many pieces by Josiah Wedgwood. 城堡里的瓷器收藏最早可以追溯到18世纪,其中有许多是英国瓷器之父、乔赛亚·韦奇伍德的作品。 Allow at least a half day here, although you may spend longer if you eat your lunch outside in the magnificent gardens. 为此次行程预留半天的时间。不过如果你愿意在城堡富丽堂皇的花园中体验一下花园宴会,可能会多花些时间哟。 3. City of Bath巴斯城 There are many attractions in the city of Bath. 500 of the city’s buildings are of historical importance, and the entire city has World heritage status. Visit the Royal Crescent to see the honey coloured Georgian houses. Spend some time exploring the Roman Baths which are 2,000 years old. 巴斯城已经作为文化遗产列入了世界遗产名录,城中有许多处旅游景点。其中有500处建筑都是重要的历史遗址。一定要参观一下皇家新月宫,这些蜜糖色的乔治王朝时代建筑会让你赞叹不已。还可以留点时间探索一下古罗马浴室,它们已经有2000多年历史了哟。 Bath also makes a very good location to visit further afield to places like the Avon Valley and the Mendip Hills. 巴斯城之所以值得拜访的另一个原因是,从这里出发,你还可以参观一下埃文谷和迪普丘陵等景点。 You should plan to spend more than a day here, depending on whether you plan on using Bath as your base and exploring other areas. 建议为此景点留足超过一天的行程时间,具体时间安排取决于你是否想要以巴斯城为据点,顺便游览一下周边的景点。 节选自沪江英语 新联学院英语广播电台 Camellia
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