

2019-04-27    06'18''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

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古朴英国(下) 主播:Camellia 8. The Malvern Hills莫尔文丘陵 If walking, rambling, and hiking are what appeals to you, then head for these hills. 3,000 acres of spectacular beauty. Some areas of the rocks are the oldest in Britain and date back 680 million years. 如果说漫步登高和远足徐行才是你心仪的旅游项目,那就来莫尔文丘陵吧!这里有3000英亩的壮美山色等着你来欣赏。在这里你还能看到英国最古老的岩石群,它们的历史可以追溯到6亿8千万年前哟。 Worcester Beacon stands at a height of 1,394 feet and will give you one of the best views in the area. 伍斯特灯塔峰海拔1394英尺,是这一带地区最好的观景台。 The hills comprise of the counties of Worcestershire, Herefordshire and a small section of Gloucestershire. 莫尔文丘陵幅及乌斯特郡、赫里福郡和格洛斯特郡的一小部分地区。 If you prefer to take your RV or camp then you will find information about camp sites in the area. 如果你开着娱乐车、或带着露营的装备而来,你可以在当地获得露营地点的相关信息。 Allow yourself at least half a day to hike or ramble, although you may do one of the many trails which take all day. 为自己留下半天的时间去尽情远足漫游,不过如果你想在山中遍布的小径中选择其一体验一下,就要花一天的时间了。 9. Hadrian’s Wall哈德良长城 The fortification was built by the Romans in AD122 and stretches from the west coast at Ravenglass across to Wallsend on the east coast. 哈德良长城是古罗马人在公元122年修建的防御工事,横贯东西,从西海岸的雷文格拉斯一直绵延至东海岸的沃尔森德。 There is still a large portion of the wall standing with the longest sections being between Newcastle and Carlisle. Look out for signs for Chollerford or Walton as this stretch is in good condition. You will notice many remains of forts as well as a temple which was dedicated to a goddess named Mithras. You will find this at Carrawburgh. 哈德良古长城的墙体有很大一部分至今仍屹立不倒,最长的墙体位于纽卡斯尔 和卡莱尔 之间。记得留心在乔勒福德和沃尔顿两地驻足哟,因为这两地的哈德良古长城保存最为完好。你会观赏到许多堡垒的遗迹,还有一座供奉密特拉神的神庙。 You should allow at least a half day, although if you are an avid rambler, then a day may suit you better. 给自己留下半天的时间,不过如果你是漫行发烧友,一天的时间或许更适合你哟。 10. Durham Castle 达勒姆城堡 Erected during the 11th century, this castle was a strong point for king Norman. It is now part of University College, Durham. You can still see the early bailey and motte style castle. 达勒姆城堡建成于11世纪,诺曼国王曾一度自恃它固若金汤。如今达勒姆城堡是达勒姆大学的一部分。今天人们仍可以辨识出古老的外庭和城寨风格的城堡。 The castle is open to the public although you must pre-book a guided tour. 这座城堡如今对外开放,不过你必须跟导游预约行程。 The view from the top of the hill is of Durham Peninsula across the River Wear. On a clear day you will be able to see Durham Cathedral. 站在山顶可以鸟瞰达勒姆半岛及流经达勒姆的威尔河。在天气晴朗的日子你还可以看到达勒姆大教堂。 选自沪江英语 Camellia
上一期: 故乡的雨
下一期: 旅游:八大圣地