

2020-03-08    06'27''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1297 15

Hello everyone.Welcome to Campus Radio Service of XinLian College.Today,let's talk about International Women's Day. International Women's Day (简称IWD) is also known as "38 women's Day" in China. It is a festival set up on March 8 every year to celebrate Women's important contributions and great achievements in economic, political and social fields. 国际妇女节又称“三八妇女节”。是在每年的3月8日为庆祝妇女在经济、政治和社会等领域做出的重要贡献和取得的巨大成就而设立的节日。 In different regions, the focus of celebration varies from the ordinary celebration of respect, appreciation and love for women to the celebration of women's achievements in the economic, political and social fields. Since the festival began as a political event sponsored by socialist feminists, it has been integrated with the culture of many countries.在不同的地区,庆祝的重点有所不同,从普通的庆祝对女性的尊重、欣赏和爱意到庆祝女性在经济、政治及社会领域的成就。由于这个节日一开始是社会主义女权主义者发起的政治事件,这个节日和众多国家的文化都有融合。 那么,各国都是怎么过妇女节的呢? In China, on women's day, children are most grateful to their favorite mothers and teachers for sending flowers and buying gifts for them. On this day, young women in China are frantically "chopping their hands" for shopping, while asking their favorite man to empty the shopping cart. Women's day in China is also called goddess day, girls' day and Queen's day.在中国,妇女节当天,子女最感谢的是最爱的母亲和敬爱的老师,送花、买礼物给她们。在这一天,中国的年轻女性疯狂“剁手”购物,同时叫上自己最爱的男士清空购物车 。三八妇女节在中国同时被叫做女神节、女生节、女王节。 In Russia, men in Moscow will spend nearly 15 billion rubles on women's day to buy gifts for women. Yes, in billions. But it's about 1128 yuan.在俄罗斯,妇女节这天,莫斯科的男士们将花费近150亿卢布为女性购买礼物。没错,以亿为单位。不过折合为人民币大约只是1128元。 British women's Day is bolder and more open. On this day, British women can propose to their favorite men, and if the man refuse, they can impose a fine on them. This is a day when women has the final say.英国的妇女节更加大胆和开放,在这一天,英国的女性可以向喜欢的男性表白求婚,如果男性拒绝了,她们可以对男性实行罚款。这一天可真是女性说了算呀。 今天的分享就到这里啦,see you.