[旅游] Malaysia马来西亚

[旅游] Malaysia马来西亚

2020-03-27    05'52''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

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Malaysia is situated just north of the Equator, between Thailand and Singapore. 马来西亚位于赤道以北,地处泰国和新加坡两国之间。 Malaysia is a federation of 13 states, with 11 on the Malaysian Peninsula, and two on the island of Borneo. 马来西亚是由13个州组成的联邦,其中11个位于马来西亚半岛,另外2个则位于婆罗洲岛。 With a population of just over 27 million people, a low cost of living, and a year-round tropical climate, 人口仅2700多万,生活成本低廉,常年的热带气候, Malaysia remains a favorite destination for travelers the world over. 使得马来西亚成为了世界各地游客最喜欢的旅游目的地。 Malaysia is a nation rich in diversities. 马来西亚是一个多元化的国家。 One of the first places you'll notice this diversity is in the smiling faces of those waiting to greet you. 你最先会注意到这种多元化氛围的一定会是笑脸相迎的人们。 Malaysia is truly a racial melting pot, where Malay, Indian, Chinese, and smaller ethnic groups live together in respect for harmony. 马来西亚亦是一个人口大熔炉,马来人、印度人、中国人和其他少数民族和谐共处地生活在一起。 Malaysia's diverse cultural heritage adds spice and color to every aspect of life here, 马来西亚多元的文化遗产为人们的生活增添了不少情趣和色彩, from religions and festivals, to culinary traditions and architecture. 无论是宗教、节日,还是烹饪传统和建筑设计,都能看到其多元化的特性。 The national language is Malay, but English is widely spoken, 马来西亚的国语是马来语,但英语亦被广泛应用, making it a breeze for travelers to find their way around and to get to know the locals. 这使得游客们可以轻而易举地找到游玩路线,也能与当地人无障碍地交流。 Malaysia is also a country of awe-inspiring geographical diversity. 马来西亚的地理多样性同样令人惊叹。 Looking for unspoilt beaches, and clear tropical waters? 想要找寻未受人类活动破坏的海滩和清澈的热带海水吗? In Malaysia, some of the world's most pristine islands and marine habitats await you. 在马来西亚,众多世界上最原始的岛屿和海洋生物栖息地有待您的到访。 Feel the need to rise above the mundane everyday world? 想要体验超脱世俗的生活吗? Come - let your spirits soar among island hideaways and mist-shrouded mountains. 来吧,让你的灵魂在群岛深处和云雾缭绕的崇山峻岭中翱翔。 Longing for a little adventure? 渴望一次冒险吗? Explore some of the Earth's steamiest jungles, wildest rivers, and longest cave systems. 不妨去探索一下地球上最潮湿的热带丛林,最湍急的河流和最长的洞穴。 Malaysia is a land of natural diversity. 马来西亚是一个颇具自然多样性的国家。 As one of the 12 most biologically diverse countries in the world, Malaysia is a treasure trove of amazing natural richness and beauty. 作为世界上12个生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,马来西亚拥有令人惊叹的自然财富和美景。 70 percent of the country's land area remains forested, and the country is a world leader in conservation and sustainable tourism programs. 马来70%的国土属于森林覆盖区,而且在保护和可持续旅游方面处于世界领先地位。 Malaysia is a land with a culture as diverse as those who come to experience it, and those who come to visit often return, because no two visits to Malaysia are quite the same. 马来西亚是一个文化如此丰富多彩的国度,而来此旅游的人经常会重返此地,因为每一次的到访都是与众不同的。