

2020-04-19    04'16''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1238 11

Grain Rain is one of the twenty-four solar terms. In the season of grain rain, the rain will increase. It is the best time to plant and remove seedlings and beans. The date is from April 19 to 21 of the Gregorian calendar. 谷雨(英文名:Grain Rain)是二十四节气之一,谷雨是“雨生百谷”的意思。在谷雨时节雨水会增多,是播种移苗、埯瓜点豆的最佳时节。日期在每年公历4月19日-21日之间。 Grain rain is the last solar term in spring. The arrival of grain rain solar term means that the cold wave weather is basically over, and the temperature recovery is accelerated, which is greatly conductive to the growth of cereal crops. In ancient times, people had the customs of "walking through the rain", "tasting the rain tea" and "appreciating the peony".谷雨是春季最后一个节气,谷雨节气的到来意味着寒潮天气基本结束,气温回升加快,大大有利于谷类农作物的生长。谷雨节气,古时人们有“走谷雨”、“品谷雨茶”、“赏牡丹花”等习俗。 At this time, the seedlings in the field are newly planted and the crops are newly planted. The most important thing is to be moistened by rain, so it is said that "spring rain is as expensive as oil".谷雨时节,田中的秧苗初插、作物新种,最需要雨水的滋润,所以俗语又说“春雨贵如油”。 中国古代将谷雨分为三候:“一候萍始生;二候鸣鸠拂其羽;三候戴胜降于桑。”是说谷雨后降雨量增多,浮萍开始生长,接着布谷鸟便开始提醒人们播种了,然后是桑树上开始见到戴胜鸟。