

2020-04-25    05'32''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

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各位听众朋友大家好,这里是新联学院英语广播电台,我是主播crystal.下面为你读一篇英语美文,武汉,我们等你!让我们一起为武汉加油! No noise. No traffic jam. 不吵,不堵车, It is 7 p.m., but looks like 3 a.m. 晚上七点像凌晨三点, Wuhan seems to have been pressed the pause button. 武汉像被按下了暂停键。 The hustle and bustle are hidden by the virus. 热闹被病毒藏起来了, Every person and another keep far apart. 每个人和每个人都隔开很远。 How long will it take to remove the mask? 还有多久才能脱下口罩, And ask you face to face, “Have you eaten?” 面对面问一声:吃了没? Epidemic situation spreads from Wuhan to the whole country. 疫情从武汉到全国, And supports from the whole country to Wuhan. 支援从全国到武汉。 You see,love and hope spread faster than a virus. 你看,爱和希望比病毒蔓延得更快, And all kinds of love are carved into the heart of Wuhan. 每一种爱,都被武汉深深铭记。 They risk their lives to protect ours. 他们不顾生命地保护我们的生命, There is only one purpose. 只有一个目的: Return Wuhan to us, 把武汉还给我们, And release us back to Wuhan. 把我们还给武汉。 There is only one purpose. 只有一个目的: Return Wuhan to us, 把武汉还给我们, And release us back to Wuhan. 把我们还给武汉。 Don’t be afraid. Wait for a few days. 别怕,再等一等, Wait for a day when the city presses “Play”, 等这个城市重新按下播放键, When not all the passengers can get on a subway, 等地铁里的人多到挤不上这一班, When cars block up the Second Bridge. 等汽车把二桥堵得望不到头, Then we can laugh and shout, 我们可以笑着说一句: Wuhan, we are waiting for you. 武汉,我们等你, Please wait for Wuhan! 也请你们等武汉! 春天来了,武汉的樱花都开好了,今年的樱花,没有了往日的人山人海,唯有春天的勃勃生机。希望,就在前方。在樱花🌸纷飞的时刻,我们一起看看这篇美文《彷如一早就知道》。 I heard a song yesterday And it reminded me of you I've heard it play a hundred times before But I thought of you and smiled I wish that you were here, or I was there I guess I miss you Like I knew I would I saw a litte boy today And he reminded me of you I've seen boys play before today but He made me think of you and how you laughed I guess I miss you And later I was reading back To how things were And I was laughing through my tears At the thought of you How I wished that you were here, or I was there And I was missing you Like I knew I would And if I never see you again this side of forever Can I tell you that I love you That I'll never forget you Even though you'll forget me And that's okay For when I think of you I always smile Like I knew I would 昨天我听到一首歌 它让我想起了你 虽然曾经听过一百遍 但我想起你,笑了 多么希望我们不是天各一方 我想,我是想你的 彷如我一早就知道 今天我看见一个小男孩 他让我想起了你 虽然也见过小男孩们嬉笑玩闹 但他让我想起了你,还有你的笑 我想,我是想你的 随后我回忆着 往昔的日子 一想起你,我的泪水里便透露出笑意 多么希望我们能够在一起 我想念你 彷如我一早就知道 假如在这永恒之门的另一面,我再也不能见到你 我还可以告诉你吗?——我爱你 我永远也不会忘记你 纵然你会忘了我 也无妨 因我想起你时,我总会微笑,彷如我一早就知道。 好了,今日分享就到这里了,bye~ 背景音乐🎵 那个夏天 夜空的寂静 夏