

2020-05-22    05'22''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1458 7

月牙泉 Hello,everyone.This is Campus Radio Service. I'm Clover. 一片绿洲,掩映在鸣沙山怀抱,月牙泉就躺在绿洲里。就这一汪清泉,静卧荒漠,日月蒸腾, 千年不涸,风沙弥漫,依然鲜活。 今天要给大家分享的就是沙漠第一泉——月牙泉。 Crescent spring is located at the north foot of mingsha mountain, 5 kilometers southwest of dunhuang city, gansu province. Dunhuang was an important city on the ancient silk road. In the long history of sino-western cultural exchanges, it was once a place where Chinese and western cultural celebrities gathered. Because of their mutual interaction , they created the world's attention to the "dunhuang culture", leaving numerous cultural treasures for mankind. It has not only the world-famous cultural relics treasure house -- mogao grottoes, but also the colorful natural scenery and cultural landscape, such as "lonely smoke in the desert, side wall barrier, ancient road camel bell, clear spring and oasis". Among them crescent spring scenic spot is one of the best. It is known as "one of the most beautiful scenery beyond the great wall. ". 月牙泉,位于甘肃省敦煌市西南五公里处的鸣沙山北麓。敦煌是古代“丝绸之路”上的名城重镇。在漫长的中西文化交流的历史长河中,这里曾经是中西文化名流荟萃之地。由于彼此之间的取精用宏,相互交融,创造了世界瞩目的“敦煌文化”,为人类留下了众多的文化瑰宝。它不仅有举世闻名的文物宝库——莫高窟,还有“大漠孤烟、边墙障,古道驼铃,清泉绿洲”等多姿多彩的自然风貌和人文景观。其中月牙泉风景名胜区,就是敦煌诸多自然景观中的姣姣者。古往今来以“沙漠奇观”著称于世,被誉为“塞外风光之一绝”。 The crescent spring is surrounded by high sand mountains, with a small lake shaped like a crescent moon in the middle. Mingsha Mountain makes a sound when it is sunny or when someone slides down the mountain, so it is called Mingsha Mountain. There is also a strange phenomenon here, because when the terrain is windy, the sand does not go down the mountain, but flows down the mountain to the mountain, so the crescent spring will never be buried by the sand and is called a desert wonder. 历史上的月牙泉不仅“千古不涸”,而且水面、水深皆极大。有文献记载,清朝时这里还能跑大船。20世纪初有人来此垂钓,其游记称:“池水极深,其底为沙,深陷不可测。”月牙泉在有限的史料记载和诗词歌赋中,一直是碧波荡漾、鱼翔浅底、水草丰茂,与鸣沙山相映成趣,在当地老百姓中有铁背鱼、七星草和五色沙三件宝的说法。直到1960年前,泉水没有大的变化,最大水深9米,湖水面积22.5亩。 However, in the mid-1970s, the ground water level in dunhuang fell sharply due to the water pumping irrigation and the destruction of surrounding vegetation and soil erosion caused by land reclamation. At the same time, the movement of mingsha mountain is also threatening the area of crescent spring. The lowest water storage time of crescent spring was in 1985, when the average depth of crescent spring was only 0.7 ~ 0.8 meters. Due to less water, when the spring dry see bottom can walk, and crescent spring also formed two springs no longer into a crescent shape. This makes "crescent spring will disappear tomorrow" become the focus of many people's attention. Since then, dunhuang city has taken a variety of ways to recharge the crescent spring. After several years of emergency treatment, the water level of crescent spring, a famous scenic spot in dunhuang city, a "desert oasis", has been initially curbed and recovered. 一湾清泉, 涟漪萦回,碧如翡翠。 泉在流沙中,干旱不枯竭, 风吹沙不落,涓涓流不息。 好了今天的分享到这里就结束了,我是Clover,期待下次与你的相遇。