【明星说】Kobe Bryant

【明星说】Kobe Bryant

2020-06-07    05'27''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1542 9

Hello everyone 欢迎收听,这里是河南师范大学新联学院英语广播电台,今天为大家介绍著名球星—Kobe Bryant Kobe Bryant, born in Philadelphia, on August 23, 1978, was a former professional basketball player. He served as a point guard,nicknamed "Black Mamba" , and played for the Los Angeles Lakers throughout his NBA career. It's the son of former NBA player Jo Bryant. 科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant),1978年8月23日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州费城,前美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,绰号“黑曼巴”,整个NBA生涯(1996年-2016年)全部效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队,是前NBA球员乔·布莱恩特的儿子 。 Kobe was an 18-time All -Star player. 科比18次入选全明星 He won five NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals. 他赢得了五次NBA总冠军和两枚奥运金牌 KOBE is the most agressive scoreguard in the whole league. Amazing motion of fade away which makes him hard to deffend. kobe can score anytime he want, but when he make his teammate take part in it, turns lakers a much better team. 科比是全联盟最具侵略性的得分后卫,惊人的退场动作让他很难被人盯上。科比可以在任何他想要的时候得分,但是当他让他的队友参与进来的时候,这让湖人变成了一个更好的球队。 someone said kobe 's shooting is the best in nba.it makes point you know.In the first 5 years of his career,kobe is defined as a flyman who often jumped first and it is the same way MJ used in his early career which earned him fame of next MJ. 有人说科比的投篮是nba最好的。这很有意义。在他职业生涯的前5年,科比被定义为一个经常先跳的飞人,这也是乔丹在他早期的职业生涯中使用的方法,这也让他赢得了“下一个乔丹”的名声。 In 2005 season kobe made him a new career high of 81 points in one game against rapters.this is the second high score in nba history a man can get in one game 在2005赛季,科比在对阵rapters的一场比赛中拿下了职业生涯的新高81分。这是nba历史上单场比赛的第二高得分  So far ,I have made much progress in basketball. And I'm hoping to get more. But now,you are away .Just 41.When I woke up on that morning, I couldn't believe this for a time. Until so long,I really realize you're playing basketball in another world. 到目前为止,我在篮球方面取得了很大进步。我希望能得到更多。但是现在,你离开了。只有41。那天早上我醒来的时候,有一段时间我都不敢相信。直到这么久,我才真正意识到你在另一个世界。 The whole world loses you,but I believe another world will treat you as VIP. See you. Kobe Bryant.