

2020-07-26    07'29''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1763 13

Recently, the domestic drama "just 30" has become a hit, which makes me feel the luxurious life of the rich women in Shanghai. Gu Jia, a 30-year-old with outstanding appearance, graduated from a famous school and started a fireworks company with her husband, and then became a full-time wife. In order to let the children enter the top private kindergarten, they just bite their teeth and get a set of super expensive luxury houses. She wanted to squeeze into the rich wives' circle, but was beaten in the face by the cruel reality. There are people outside, and there are days out of the world. 最近国产剧《三十而已》热播,让贫穷的我见识到了上海富婆们的奢侈生活。 30岁的顾佳,颜值出众,名校毕业,和老公创业开了一家烟花公司,之后当起了全职太太。 为了让孩子进入顶级的私立双语幼儿园,硬是咬咬牙贷款换了套地段超贵的豪宅。 家境殷实的她,想要挤进富太太们的圈子,却被残酷的现实打了脸。 人外有人,天外有天,富太太的朋友圈也有鄙视链。 For the first time at the ladies' circle party, she wore the most formal dress and carried her most expensive chanel bag. When she arrived, she carefully put her bag on the chair behind her, but she was laughed at by the rich lady next to her "You said that stool is just a little bit big, and you have to put a bag in the back. Can you sit so crowded?" Gu Jia looked around and found that all the other rich ladies had left their bags several times more expensive than her on the floor. The reality is that, even if they barely squeeze into the upper class circle, eat at the same table with them,they will not pay attention to them, and even the circle of friends will be deliberately cut off. 第一次参加太太圈的聚会,顾佳穿上最正式的礼服,背上她最昂贵的香奈儿包包。 到了之后,她小心翼翼地把包放在自己身后的椅子上,却被旁边的富太太嘲笑: “你说那个凳子就那么一点点大,你还要放一个包包在后边,你这样坐着挤不挤啊?” 顾佳环顾四周,才发现其他富太太们,全都把比她贵好几倍的包包随便扔在地上。 现实就是如此,即使勉强挤进上流圈,和她们同桌吃饭,也不被她们放在眼里,连发朋友圈都会被特意截掉。 于是,顾佳为了获得富太太的正眼相待,硬是在公司欠着外债、房子抵押给银行的情况下,买了只限量版的爱马仕,这才算一脚踏进了富太太圈子里。 There has been a saying on the Internet: "if a straw is tied with cabbage, it's the price of cabbage; if it's tied with hairy crab, it's the price of hairy crab."So, countless straw, sharpened the head to climb up, just want to tie together with hairy crab. However, different circles do not really need to be rigid.Life is not a TV series. Most people are not like Gu Jia, who is on-line and gradually open up.You, who are not of the same class but want to get involved, will only ask for nothing in the end. 网上流传过这样一句话:“一根稻草,跟白菜捆在一起,那它就是白菜的价格;跟大闸蟹捆在一起,那它就是大闸蟹的价格。”于是,无数稻草,削尖了脑袋往上爬,硬是想和大闸蟹捆绑在一起。 然而,圈子不同,真的不必硬融。生活不是电视剧,大多数人都不像顾佳那样双商在线,逐渐开挂。不是同一阶层却硬是想融进去的你,到最后只会自讨没趣。 李嘉诚曾这样告诫过年轻人: 在你还没有足够强大、足够优秀时,先别花太多宝贵的时间去社交、参加各种各样的聚会。 应多花点时间读书、提高专业技能,多见见你的客户。 放弃那些无用的社交,提升自己,你的世界才能更大。 先修炼自己,才能找对圈子。 厉害的人只和厉害的人做朋友,这 是一种相互成全。 只有当你足够优秀,才会有同样优秀的人来成就你。 原文摘至:作者:小椰子,来源:精读(ID:Jingdu999)