

2020-11-09    07'59''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

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Cambodia Water Festival送水节 Hello everyone. 欢迎收听新联学院英语广播电台。下面让我们开启本期分享 。 “Not small but small, not great but great.”Yes, this is the water known as the source of life. Okay ,today I’d like to share with you an interesting and meaningful holiday —Cambodia Water Festival. “不以细小而细小,不以博大而博大”。没错,这就是被称为生命之源的水。那么 今天就为大家分享一个有趣又有意义的节日—柬埔寨送水节。 The Water Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in Cambodia. It is usually held from October to November every year. And it marks the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the fishing season. At this time, Cambodian people around the Royal Palace and the Mekong River, enjoying the holiday the fruits of the year’s labor. 送水节是柬埔寨最重要的传统节日之一,一般在每年的10月至11月举行,它标志着一年中雨季的结束和捕鱼季的到来。 此时的柬埔寨人们正在王宫周围、湄公河畔张灯结彩,愉快的享受假期和一年的劳动果实。 Of course, one of their activities is similar to the traditional Chinese festival of Dragon Boat Festival, which is the dragon boat race. The fierce dragon boat race on the Mekong River is the most lively and eye-catching celebration of the Water Festival. At that time, rowing experts from all over the country will show their skills here and compete with each other.当然,他们其中的一项活动与我们中国传统节日端午节很相像,那便是龙舟大赛。湄公河上激烈的龙舟大赛是送水节最热闹、最引人注目的庆祝活动了。届时,来自全国各地的划船能手在此大显身手,一比高低。 So ,what’s the significance of the water festival? In order to thank the people for the benefits brought by the river, Cambodian people have had the traditional custom of holding water festival since ancient times. Until now, the royal government of Cambodian also attaches great importance to this festival,and make it a public holiday. This shows the respect and care of the Cambodian people for water. 那么,送水节的重要意义是什么呢? 柬埔寨人民为感性和水给予人民带来的恩惠,从古代便有了举办送水节的传统习俗。 直至今日,柬埔寨王国政府也非常重视这一节日,将其立为法定公休日,而政府还专门成立庆典委员会来安排盛大的欢庆活动。由此可看出,柬埔寨人们对水的敬意和爱护。 In China,Taoism says that the best is like water. It means that water moistens all things,but it does not boast of great achievements and virtues. Water is the source of life. With the change of globalization, more and more countries pay more attention to water protection. Therefore. I hope you can cherish water resources, be grateful and contribute to the construction of a beautiful home. 在我们中国,道家有言:上善若水。意思是水滋润万物,却不夸耀的功高德重。水是万物之源。随着全球化的变革,越来越多的国家对于水的珍惜和保护意识增强。 因此,希望大家能够爱护水资源,心怀感恩,为美好家园建设而奉献。 I’m very happy to share with you today this special and interesting festival . And look forward to sharing next time. 很高兴今天在这里为大家分享这个有趣而有意义的节日,期待下期的分享吧.