【新闻】How to choose

【新闻】How to choose

2020-12-01    04'27''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

314 3

Hello everyone, this is Campus Radio Service, I‘m Chris ,how are you these days? Since the outbreak of epidemic,, China-Japan relations have not been as hot and cold as before. After the outbreak of coVID-19 in China, Japan donated various anti-epidemic materials to China, showing a friendly attitude. “Mountains and rivers are different, the sun and the moon are the same as the sky” once became the best comment on China-Japan relations. The gradual improvement of relations between China and Japan is mainly attributed to the strength of China. According to the analysis of vogel, a famous American professor, the strength of China and Japan was pulled apart by the fact that China’s GDP was much higher than Japan’s for 10 consecutive years. This year, China has become the only major country with positive economic growth. Japan, which has always followed the “no. 1” policy, may abandon the United States and make a “big change” in its attitude towards China. 新冠疫情发生以来,中日关系不复以往忽冷忽热的状态,在中国爆发疫情之后,日本向中方捐赠了各种抗疫物资,表现相当友好,“山川异域、日月同天”一度成为中日关系最佳评价。 中日两国关系渐渐趋好,主要归功于中国国力的强盛。据美著名教授傅高义分析指出,中日两国实力因中国国民生产总值连续10年远超日本而被拉开。而今年疫情关系,中国成为全球唯一主要经济正增长的国家,一向追随“老大”的日本可能会抛弃美国,对华态度也来个“大转变”。 It is known to all that the United States has been continuously escalating sanctions against China since 2018, which has greatly affected china-japan relations in the past two years. Now that china-japan relations have improved, questions remain, and some even ask what Japan would do if the U.S. economy were to be overtaken by China, and whether it would still side with the U.S. 都知道美国从2018年开始就持续升级对华制裁,中日两国关系在过去两年时间里受其影响极大。现在中日关系有所改善,外界仍存在质疑,甚至有人提问,如果美国经济有一天被中国反超,届时日本又做何抉择,还会选择站在美国那一边。 If China's economy one day outstrips that of the United States, it cannot be ruled out that Japan will take China's side for the sake of "keeping company with the stronger". But on a deeper level, just because China's economic strength exceeds that of the US does not mean that China's overall strength also exceeds that of the US. After all, the United States leads the world in financial, military and technological fields, and Japan, as an ally of the United States, will also choose to side with the United States for security reasons. However, As China's economic strength continues to grow, Japan will also benefit more from the economic and trade exchanges between China and Japan. So there are costs and risks for Japan to continue siding with the United States. It is only a matter of time before China surpasses the US in terms of overall power, at which point Japan may choose to take China's side. 如果中国经济在某一天超过美国,不排除日本会为了“与强者为伍”而站队中国。但从更深层次来说,中国经济实力超过美国,不代表综合实力也超过美国。毕竟美国在金融、军事和科技等领域领跑全球,日本作为美盟友国,也会从安全因素方面考虑,选择站队美国。 不过,中国经济实力持续增强,中日经贸往来中,日本获得利益也会更高。所以日本想要继续站队美国也要承担不小成本与风险。中国要在综合实力方面超过美国也只是时间问题,届时日本或许也会选择站队中国。