

2020-12-28    05'02''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

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Hello boys and girls,欢迎收听新联学院CRS的英语广播电台,我是yancy, 今天我来分享一个节日,西班牙西红柿大战 On the last Wednesday of August every year, that is today, the Spanish people will usher in a special and Carnival Festival - Tomato Festival. Like the bull Running Festival, Tomato Festival is also a famous traditional festival in Spain, and even rated as one of the ten most interesting festivals in the world by netizens. 在每年8月的最后一个星期三,也就是今天,西班牙人民都会迎来一个特别又狂欢的节日——西红柿节,和奔牛节一样,西红柿节也是西班牙闻名世界的传统节日,甚至被网友们评价为世界上最有趣的十大节日之一。 The tomato war originated on the last Wednesday in August 1945. At that time, a demonstration was held in the town. A young man was pushed down in the crowd. After getting up, he picked up tomatoes from a roadside vegetable stand and smashed them at the people around him. As a result, everyone got into a group. Tomato, a group of young people to fight again. Since then, the "Tomato Fight" has gradually become a conventional activity of small town residents, and the whole festival usually lasts for about a week. 西红柿大战”起源于1945年8月最后一个周三。当时,小镇举行游行活动,一名年轻人在人群中被推倒,起身后顺手拿起路边菜摊上的西红柿,砸向周围的人,结果大家打成一团。 次年,一群年轻人带着西红柿到广场,又打了一场“西红柿大战”。此后,“西红柿大战”逐渐成为小镇居民一场约定俗成的活动,整个节日通常持续一个星期左右。 In addition to the fiery Tomato Festival and the running of cattle Festival, the feeling of Spain must be strange and familiar to us. Strangeness comes from the distance between China and the West. Spain is located in the Iberian Peninsula in the southwest of European continent, about 13000 kilometers away from China. Familiarity comes from Spain, which is regarded as the most fascinating country by the world, and also stems from the magnificent history of the great maritime era known to the world.The Spaniards are passionate, optimistic,unrestrained and practical,They have a kind of adventure and courage to go forward. No matter where they are, they encourage the national spirit of overcoming all difficulties and constantly striving for self-improvement 除了热情似火的西红柿节和奔牛节,西班牙这个国家给我们的感觉,想必是既陌生又熟悉。陌生源于中西之间相距万水千山,西班牙位于欧洲大陆西南部伊比利亚半岛,距离中国约1.3万公里;熟悉源于西班牙是被世人誉为最令人神往的国家,亦源于西班牙为世人所知的大航海时代的恢宏历史。西班牙人的性格,热情奔放,乐观向上,无拘无束,讲求实际,他们更有一种冒险和勇往直前的勇气。无论是哪里,都鼓励这种压倒一切困难、自强不息的民族精神。 That's all for today,thanks for your listening 好了,今天的节目介绍就到这里,我们下次再见