The Fat Old Couple Whirling Around - Robert Bly

The Fat Old Couple Whirling Around - Robert Bly

2016-09-19    03'28''

主播: 虹翕

363 15

【The Fat Old Couple Whirling Around】 【胖胖的老兩口就這麼遛著彎】 作者:[美]Robert Bly 翻譯:劉宛妮 朗讀:虹翕、+1 音頻製作:楚雨庭 The drum says that the night we die will be a long night. 鼓聲說我們死去的那個夜晚會很長。 It says the children have time to play. Tell the grownups 它說孩子有的是時間玩耍。告訴大人 They can pull the curtains around the bed tonight. 今夜可以拉上床簾。 The old man wants to know how the war ended. 那老頭想知道戰爭是怎麼結束的。 The young girl wants her breasts to cause the sun to rise. 那女孩想用胸部使太陽升起。 The thinker wants to keep misunderstanding alive. 那思想家想一直活著誤解。 It’s all right if the earthly monk is buried near the altar. 世故的僧侶被埋在祭壇邊上也沒關係。 It’s all right if the singer fails to turn up for her concert. 歌手沒出現在她的演唱會也沒關係。 It’s good if the fat old couple keeps whirling around. 胖胖的老兩口就這樣一直遛彎也很好。 Let the parents sing over the cradle every night. 就讓那些父母整夜在搖籃邊唱吧。 Let the pelicans go on living in their stickly nests. 讓鵜鶘繼續住在他們黏糊糊的巢里。 Let the duck go on loving the mud around her feet. 讓鴨子繼續愛她腳邊的泥漿。 It’s all right if the ant always remembers his way home. 螞蟻永遠記得回家的路也沒關係。 It’s all right if Bach keeps reaching for the same note. 巴赫一直摸同一个音也没关系。 It’s all right if we knock the ladder away from the house. 把梯子從房邊推到也沒關係。 Even if you are a puritan it would be all right 即使你是清教徒也沒關係 If you join the lovers in their ruined house tonight. 和那對情侶一起進入他們的破房子也沒關係。 It’s good if you become a soul and then disappear. 如果你變成靈魂然後消失,那也很好。 ----------------------------------------- 2016-09-02發表於微信公眾號【讀首詩再睡覺】