Why Do I Love You, Sir?  by Emily Dickinson

Why Do I Love You, Sir? by Emily Dickinson

2020-03-16    01'22''

主播: redredrose

240 1

一起来听诗! Why Do I Love You, Sir? 先生,我为何爱你 Emily Dickinson 艾米莉·狄金森 Why do I love You, sir?先生,我为何爱你? Because 因为一 The Wind does not require the grass 风,从不要求草 To answer- Wherefore when he passes 回答,为什么他一经过 She cannot keep her place她就不能不动摇 Because he knows -and因为他知道,而你 Do not you 你不知道一 And we know not 我们不知道 Enough for us 我们有这样的智慧 The Wisdom it be so 已经够了 The Lightning-never asked an Eye 闪电从不问眼眸 Wherefore it shut-when He was by 当他经过,为何它要闭上一Because He knows it cannot speak 因为他知道,但说不出口And reasons not contained有些理由 Of talk 难以言喻 There be-preferred by daintier Folk 优雅的人宁愿,会意 The Sunrise- Sire-compelleth Me 每一次日出,先生,我都不能自已 Because he's sunrise -and I see 因为他是日出,我看见了他一Therefore -Then 所以,于是一 I love thee 我爱你一