

2014-08-30    02'27''

主播: 千鸟之月

882 83

艾希礼 Ashley! 艾希礼 Ashley! 斯嘉丽 Scarlett. 你在这里是想躲谁? Who're you hiding from in here? 你想做什么? What are you up to? 你为什么不跟其他女孩一起在楼上休息呢? Well, why aren't you upstairs restingwith the other girls? 怎么回事?斯嘉丽?有秘密吗? What is this, Scarlett? A secret? 艾希礼, 艾希礼... Oh, Ashley, Ashley... 我爱你 l love you. 斯嘉丽 Scarlett! 我爱你, 是真的 I love you, l do! 你今天取得其他所有男人的心难道还不够吗? Well, isn't it enough that you've gatheredevery other man's heart today? 我的心一直是你的,上面还留有你的齿痕呢 You've always had mine.You cut your teeth on it. 不要取笑我Oh, don't tease me now. 我得到你的心了吗?亲爱的 我爱你, 我爱你... Have l your heart, my darling?l love you, l love you. 你千万别再说了 你将会因我听到这些话而恨我 You mustn't say such things.You'll hate me for hearing them. 我永远都不会恨你的 我也知道你在乎我 Oh, l could never hate you, and l know you must care about me. 你在乎的, 对吧? Oh, you do care, don't you? 是的 Yes... 我在乎 I care. 我们能不能走开 把说过的话忘了呢? Oh, can't we go away and forgetwe ever said these things? 我们怎么能那样呢? But how can we do that? 难道你不想娶我吗? Don't you want to marry me? 我要娶的是梅兰妮 I'm going to marry Melanie. 但你不能, 如果你在乎我的话 But you can't. Not if you care for me. 天啊, 你为什么一定要逼我说出伤害你的话呢? Oh, my dear, why must you make mesay things that will hurt you? 我怎样才能让你明白? How can l make you understand? 你年纪这么小又欠思量 You're so young and unthinking. 你根本不了解婚姻的意义 You don't know what marriage means. 我知道我爱你 而且我想做你的妻子 l know l love you, and l want to be your wife. 你并不爱梅兰妮 You don't love Melanie. 她就跟我一样, 斯嘉丽 She's like me, Scarlett. 她是生命的一部分 我们彼此了解 She's part of my bloodand we understand each other. 但你爱的是我 But you love me. 我怎么能不爱你? How could l help loving you? 你有我所欠缺对生命的热情 You have all the passion for life that l lack. 但那种爱不足以 造就一桩成功的婚姻 That kind of love isn't enoughfor a successful marriage... 因为我们两个人完全不同 for two people as different as we are. 那么你怎么不说呢?胆小鬼 说你不敢娶我 Well, why don't you say it, you coward?You're afraid to marry me. 你宁可娶那个傻瓜 什么话都不会说... You'd rather live with that foolwho can't speak except... 只会回答是与不是 生一堆长得跟她一样的傻孩子 to say "yes" and "no" and raise a passelof mealy-mouthed brats just like her. 你不要这样说梅兰妮 You mustn't say such thingsabout Melanie. 你算老几?竟敢命令我? Who are you to tell me l mustn't? 你欺骗了我 你让我以为你会娶我 You led me on, you made me believeyou wanted to marry me. 斯嘉丽, 公平点!我从来没有... Now, Scarlett, be fair.l never, at any time... 你有!你就是有 我到死都会恨你 You did, it's true you did!l'll hate you till l die! 我想不出更狠毒的话来骂你 l can't think of anything bad enoughto call you.