

2015-06-06    02'11''

主播: 曲觞流水踏莎行

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as a child, she found the strength to survive. as a woman, she discovered the power to love. "I'm maybe poor and plain, but I'm not without feelings."I loved you more than ever, and this is the last time I should ever say it." 〈四〉 Up here is the main gallery What a handsome place. I had the windows opened to let in a little air. Everything gets so damp in rooms that are seldom entered. Now let me show you the rest of the house. Here are the Master s rooms. Is that Mr. Rochester? Oh, no. His father. Why Mr. Rochester keeps it here despite everything, I do not know; one of his strange ways. His father and his brother were very unfair to him. Some would say barbarous. He was the younger son, you see. And he was expected to sacrifice everything for the family. He only inherited Thornfield nine years ago. When he was a child, he was such a gentle boy. He’s clearly not barbarous himself if he’s taking care of Adele’s upbringing. Oh, no. Oh, no, Mr Rochester does accept his responsibilities. And he’s a just and liberal landlord to his tenants. He’s well travelled and very intelligent. But when he talks to you, you cannot always be sure whether he is in jest or in earnest. Whether he is pleased or the contrary. He is not a happy man. Oh my goodness, those flowers! Oh, do I keep telling Leah that all the rooms must be kept in readiness. Mr Rochester s visits may be rare, but we’re never warned. What was that? One of the servants most likely, perhaps Grace Poole. But did you hear it? Oh, yes. I often hear it. She does sewing in one of these rooms. Grace! Too much noise, Grace! Remember instructions. We can go back this way. Your arithmetic is not very good, Adele. It is dull. I do not care for it. Why can’t we do something else? It’s my job to give you a good education. Learning arithmetic is an important part of that. Mama said it was important to learn singing and dancing. That wasn’t dull. If you’re a good girl, I’ll teach you to play the piano. Will you? When? Perhaps tomorrow. Why not now? Arithmetic today, piano lessons tomorrow. I’m going for a walk, and when I come back, I want to see how many of those sums you’ve got right. But they’re so difficult. You can do it, I know you can. Are you injured, sir? Can I do anything? Come on. You could just stay to one side. If you’re hurt, I can fetch some help. No, thank you. I shall do. I have no broken bones. Well, go on then. I cannot think of leaving you here, sir, until I see you’re able to mount your horse. You should be at home yourself. Where do you come from? There. What, do you mean that house with the battlements? Yes, sir. Whose house is it? Mr Rochester’s. Hmm, do you know Mr Rochester? No, I’ve never seen him. What is your position there? I’m the governess. Ah, the governess. Hmm, I believe I must ask your help after all. If you’d be so kind? Yes, sir. Would you get hold of my horse’s bridle and lead him to me? You’re not afraid? No, sir. I see the mountain will never come to Mohamed, so your must help Mohamed to go to the mountain. Would you please come here? Excuse me. Necessity compels me to make use of you. Thank you. Would you hand me my hat? And crop. Thank you for your help. Now ... make haste home as fast as you can. Whose dog is this? He came with the Master. With whom? The Master. Mr Rochester. He just arrived. Here is Miss Eyre, sir. I trust the leg is feeling more comfortable? The doctor will be here in the morning. Let Miss Eyre be seated. Look what Mr Rochester has brought me. Have you brought Mademoiselle a present as well? Did you expect a present, Miss Eyre? Are you... fond of presents? I hardly know, sir. I have little experience of them. They are generally thought pleasant things. Generally thought but what do you think? A present has many faces to it, has it not? How long have you been in my house? Four months. And you came from? Lowood School, sir, in Lancashire. Lowood! How long were you there? Ten years. Eight as a pupil, two as a teacher. You must be tenacious of life to have survived that place so long. No wonder you have the look of another world about you. When I saw you in the lane, I thought on the account of the fairy tales and had half a mind to ask whether you’d bewitched my horse. I’m not sure yet it is she who is responsible for my sprain. There was ice on the roadway, sir. It was that which caused your horse to slip. Perhaps. I’m not sure yet! Very well, Miss Eyre. I bid you goodnight. 〈五〉 Adele, watch and listen. You mean like this? I have examined Adele and found that you’ve taken great pains with her. She’s not bright, she’s no particular talent, yet in a very short time, she’s made much improvement. She has worked hard. I gather you are teaching her to play the piano? Yes, sir. Are you fond of music? Do you play well? I’m very fond of music. I play a little. A little. Like any other English schoolgirl. Perhaps better than some, but not ... well. Adele showed me some sketches. She said they were yours. I don’t know if they were entirely of your doing. Perhaps some master helped you? No one helped me, sir. Ah, that wounds your pride. These pictures must have taken much time and thought. When did you do them? In the last two vacations I spent at Lowood. Did you copy them? No, sir. They came out of my head. That head I see now on your shoulders? Yes, sir. Has it other furniture of the same kind within? I think it may have. Better, I hope. Were you happy when you painted these pictures? I didn’t have the skill to paint what was in my imagination. I always wanted to achieve more. You may have insufficient technique. But the thoughts are magical. Ah, nine o clock. Is Adele in bed? Not yet, sir. She should be in bed long before this. I don’t approve of these late hours. See to it, Miss Eyre. 〈六〉 I would do the edges darker. His leg is better. He will be going away soon. Aha. It will break my heart. It’s this one here. Could you draw me a picture of him? So I will always have him with me? Thank you, sir. I’ll be off this way. You examined me, Miss Eyre. Do you think me handsome? No, sir. There is something very singular about you. You have the air of a little nun: quaint, quiet, grave and simple. But when one asks you a question or makes a remark that you are obliged to answer, you rap out a reply which is at least blunt, if not brusque. What do you mean by it? So, I was too plain. I beg your pardon. I should have replied that tastes differ. That beauty is of little consequence. Something of that sort. You will endure my surliness without being hurt. Very few masters would trouble themselves to enquire whether or not their paid employees were offended. Do you ever laugh, Miss Eyre? Never mind. So let me see what my paid employee has been drawing in her sketchbook. May I? You have me utterly. No, no, it’s mine. Come with me, Miss Eyre. Adele, continue with your work. And remember, the shadows are as important as the light. Do you believe that? What, sir? That the shadows are as important as the light? I believe none of us is perfect. I believe none of us is without some fault to hide. You are not naturally austere any more than I am naturally vicious. I once had a heart full of tender feelings. But fortune has knocked me about. Now I’m hard and tough as an India rubber ball. Do you think there is any hope for me? Hope for what, sir? My being transformed from India rubber back to flesh and blood? Come, Pilot. Is all well, my dear? What a strange man! So changeful and abrupt. Ah, I suppose I’ve grown accustomed to it. And one has to make allowances. Why? Partly because it is his nature, and we none of us can help our nature. Partly... family troubles. He doesn’t have a family. There are painful memories which are perhaps best forgotten. 〈九〉 You call that clean? You and I are going to have words, lass. I’m going to talk to you downstairs. Oh, good morning, Miss Eyre. What happened here? The Master was reading in bed last night. He fell asleep with a candle lit and the curtains got on fire. Luckily he woke up in time to put the flames out. Here you are. Hang them. Did nobody hear anything? Did nobody wake up? Perhaps you heard something? Yes, Grace... I did. I heard someone laughing. If I were you, Miss, I’d get into the habit of bolting my door when I went to bed at night. Leah, that’s one and two... Good morning. Oh, Miss Eyre! I suppose you’ve heard about the master’s accident? It’s a mercy he wasn’t burnt in his bed. Leah! Is he all right? Well enough... to be up with the sun and gone before breakfast. Gone? Gone where? To Lord Ingram’s, the other side of Millcote. There’s quite a party assembled there. Pillows. Do you expect him back tonight? Oh, no, no. Nor tomorrow night either. When these fashionable people get together, they in no hurry to part. They may decide to go to London or the Continent. Mr Rochester may not be back at Thornfield for another year. He’s quite a favourite to the ladies and the party. Miss Blanche has been setting her cap at him for years. Miss Blanche? Lord Ingram’s daughter. Prettiest girl in the county. She is, Miss. Does the Master like her? Oh, yes! Yes, he’s a different man when he’s with her. So merry and lively you wouldn’t know him. Come Leah. Ah, Leah. You’re a fool. Come on, I’ll help you with this sheet. Hurry. Quickly. They’ll be coming soon. Oh come along James, please do hurry and take them to the dining room. Yes madam My corner to your corner. Mrs Fairfax. Have you something we can keep a frog in? A what? A frog. Oh my dear, I have no time for frogs. Mr Rochester may be here any minute and all of Lord Ingrams fine friends with him. He’s never done this to me before. All the ladies will bring their maids and all the gentlemen their valets. In the past he couldn’t wait to leave Thornfield, now he seems to be determined to fill the house with guests. They’re coming! What? They’re coming! Mademoiselle, the beautiful ladies are coming here! Lady Ingram. And Lady Eshton. Yes, and Lady Lynn. And that, of course, is Miss Blanche. Do you think Mr Rochester is in love with Miss Ingram? You shouldn’t ask such a question. Why not? Because it’s none of our affair. It would be my affair if they got married. Adele, stop this conversation. Go back to your work. I hope he doesn’t marry her. I heard a maid telling Leah that she’s only interested in his money. The maid said he brought back a fortune from Jamaica. Adele! 〈十〉 MiSurely, he doesn’t want me to stay? Oh, yes. “If she objects, tell her it is my particular wish.” Those were his very words. Good evening. Good evening. What a little puppet! That must be Mr. Rochester’s ward. The little French ward he was speaking of. What’s your name, child? Adele, Madam. So pretty, how charming. Edward, I thought you were not fond of children. Nor am I. So what persuaded you to take charge of this little creature? Where did you pick her up? I did not pick her up. She was left on my hands. You should have sent her away to school. I’m not sure I could afford it, schools are so expensive. Don’t tell me you look after her yourself? We have a governess. A governess. Yes, I thought I saw someone with her just now. You can always tell a governess at first glance. They’re plain, in a very special way. Aren’t they, Mama? Aren’t who what, my darling? Governesses. Don’t talk to me about Governesses. The very word makes me tremble with rage. I have suffered a martyrdom in their incompetence. What? Nothing. Have I said something wrong? She is sitting just behind you. Who is? The Governess. Oh, but never mind. It may do her some good to hear the truth. Come along time for dancing. I’ve been idle long enough. Donna Bianca, will you do me the great honour? Rochester, I didn’t know you’re a dancing man?