

2015-06-07    01'15''

主播: 曲觞流水踏莎行

31 0

Jonah, I'm home. Hey, Jonah ! Hi, Dad. This is Jessica. WeII, it's nice to meet you, Jessica. Dad, this is amazing. lf you pIay this backwards, it says, ''PauI is dead.'' Yeah, I know. How do you know? Dad, couId you shut the door? Sure. Sure. H and G. Hi and good-bye. l'm back in the saddle again Out where a friend is a friend Where the longhorn cattle feed on the lowly jimsonweed Back in the saddle again Ridin' the range once more Totin' my old .44 Where you sleep out every night HeIlo, Victoria? This is Sam BaIdwin. I don't know if you remember me, but-- Oh, great. Hi. l was wondering if-- if you wouId Iike to have a drink with me? Dinner? Dinner would be even better. Friday wouId be great. Yeah. How-- I hear that's a good pIace. How-- 7:30 wouId be fine. And I'lI-- Okay, I'II meet you there. Okay. So it's Friday... at 7:30 for dinner. Great. Me too. Bye. Back in the saddle again Are you in love with him? l'm not now. Now those were the days when peopIe knew how to be in Iove. - You're a basket case. - They knew it. Time, distance, nothing couId separate them, because they knew it was right. - It was reaI. It was-- - A movie. That's your probIem. You don't want to be in Iove. You want to be in love in a movie. Read it to me. ''Dear SIeepIess and Son, I have never written a Ietter like this in my Iife.'' That's what everyone writes at the beginning of Ietters to strangers. I know that. You think I don't know that? What about WaIter? Walter. Oh, I wouId give anything to marry WaIter. He's so unexpected. You think you can telI what he's like by just looking at him, but you can't. l shouId write something in this about magic. - What? - Something. What if l never meet him? What if this man is my destiny and I never meet him? Your destiny can be your doom. Look at me and Rick. ''I want to meet you--'' - The top of the Empire State Building? - The top of the Empire State BuiIding. That's perfect. Sunset, VaIentine's Day. I'Il be in New York with WaIter. I can squeeze it in. I'II be in New York with Walter. Do you want to hear about destiny? lf l hadn't married Martin, I wouldn't have had the house with the dead tree. On account of which, I got divorced. On account of which, I hit a car and met Rick whiIe buying a neck brace. Wait. You never toId me you got a divorce because of a dead tree. The tree man. You feII in love with the tree man? I did not say ''Iove.'' Did I say ''Iove''? This is my favorite part. lt's now or never. "Never" is a frightening word. We'd be fools to let happiness pass us by. Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories. We've already missed the spring. Men never get this movie. Mommy! Mommy! lt's okay. I'm here. - Dad! - l'm comin'. It's aII right. lt's okay. It's aII right. It's okay. What was that about? - It was sinking. - What was? Our house. There was water coming in aIl the windows. WeII, it's okay now. It's aII right. So what shouId we do? Your mother used to... sing to you when you had bad dreams. ''Bye-Bye, BIackbird.'' I miss her. What do you think happens to someone after they die? - I don't know. - Like, do you beIieve in heaven? I never did. Or the whole idea of an afterIife, but now I don't know. 'Cause I have these dreams about-- about your mom. And we have Iong taIks... about you, how you're doin'. Which she sort of knows, but I telI her anyway. So what is that? It's sort of an afterIife, isn't it? l'm starting to forget her. She couId peeI an appIe... in one Iong... curIy strip. The whoIe appIe. Pack up all my cares and woes Feelin' low Here l go l say bye-bye I Iove you, Jonah. I Iove you, Dad. See you tomorrow. Sugar's sweet So is she l say bye Bye Blackbird No one seems to love Or understand me now Oh, and hard luck stories They keep handin' me, yeah Where somebody shines a light l'm comin' on home tonight now Oh, Lord Yeah, darlin' l wanna say Bye-bye, blackbird Lord have mercy Somebody love me now Laurie? Hi, it's Annie. Fine. I'm fine. Listen. I'm doing an articIe on caIl-in radio shows. Do you know anyone who works for someone named Dr. Marcia FieIdstone? I'm a writer for the Baltimore Sun and a friend of Laurie Johnson's. I'm doing a piece on how peopIe handIe bereavement... and I understand you had a caIIer the other night, some guy from Seattle. This is Jonah Baldwin. We're not in right now, but you can leave-- Architect. Okay, CIarise, I'm gonna be back either by midnight... or 8:30, if disaster strikes. Here's one for both of us. - ''SIeepIess and Son, BaItimore.'' - I Ieft the restaurant's phone number. If there's a problem, the pediatrician's number is right above the phone. Here's a bottIe of ipecac if anybody drinks poison. By the juice gIasses. - Fine. - How do I Iook? - Great. - Do l Iook okay? Do I Iook aII right? I Iook stupid. I Iook Iike I'm tryin' too hard. I was gonna get a haircut, but then I'd Iook Iike I got one. -This is a good Ietter, Dad. -The heeIs on these shoes are grotesque. Looks Iike I'm tryin' to be taII. Her name is Annie. Annie Reed. - Bye. - Read this! Read this! ''Dear SIeepIess and Son, I've never written--'' BIah, bIah. ''I've been an exceIIent third baseman for as Iong as l remember... and whiIe we're on the subject, Iet's just say that... Brooks Robinson was the best third baseman ever. lt's important you agree with me, because I'm from BaItimore.'' She thinks Brooks Robinson's the greatest. So do you. - Everyone thinks he's the greatest. - It's a sign. Come here. I'lI show you a sign. Here's a sign. AII right. Where is Seattle? Right. Where is BaItimore? It's right there! Look! One, two, three, four-- There's Iike 26 states between here and there. Now that's a sign. I'm outta here. Good-bye. Good night. I Iove you. Clarise, did you move your car? - Thank you, Derrick. - You're welcome. - I'll have... - White wine? - And you, sir? - I'm fine, thank you. - You look good. - You look good yourself. - I thought you were never gonna call me. - You did? But I really wanted you to, and I thought you were never going to. - Excuse me, Mr. Baldwin? - Yes? There's a phone call for you. Thank you. Hello? Dad, can we go to New York City for Valentine's Day? What? Annie Reed from Baltimore wants to meet us.... at the top of the Empire State Building on Valentine's Day. - Jonah. - What? Have you fallen down? Are you bleeding? Is Clarise there? Has she been strangled? So this is the only reason for this phone call? If we book now, we can get an excursion fare. Jessica's parents are travel agents, and Jessica says... I'm not going to have this conversation now. We will talk about it at a later time. I can't believe this conversation has lasted this long. You go to bed. Everything all right? Oh, yeah. Do you have kids? - No. - Want mine?